It seems the writing is on the wall and the Confederate flag will fly it’s last day over the South Carolina State capital grounds. Discussion of the flag and it’s fake historical relevance have drifted on for weeks now.
The momentum has swelled after the South Carolina Massacre by Dylann Roof at the AME Church in Charleston and the 8 church fires throughout the State. People have said is time for the confederate flag to go.
From NPR:
In a required third vote, South Carolina’s state senators voted to remove the Confederate battle flag from its prominent place flying on the Statehouse grounds. The final tally was 36-3. The House will now take up the issue, perhaps as early as Wednesday.
In both the Senate and the House, a vote on removing the flag will require a two-thirds majority. The bill under consideration would move the flag to the Confederate Relic Room and Military Museum.
Tuesday’s vote was widely seen as a formality; the S.C. Senate had voted 37-3 to advance the bill after its second reading Monday, defeating several attempts to offer alternate plans — such as flying a different Confederate flag, or flying the battle flag only on Confederate Memorial Day.
The House is expected to have a closer vote, but the end result should be the removal of the flag if things go according to plan.
However, the question in the black community now shifts to what form of useless distraction are we going to put our energy into now that the confederate flag is about to die?
I know many of you don’t like to hear this sort of reality, but we seem to be interested in taking up any and every cause that takes us away from solid movement forward as a community and our nation building efforts.
We need to be focused on building political education networks, taking control of politicians, getting involved in the education of our people ensuring they are getting the necessary training to move the race forward and of course locking up our $1.1 trillion dollar annual spending power and buying things among our black entrepreneurs.
Instead, we already hear the rumblings of the next distraction topics at hand. Right now it seems to be Bill Cosby and his 40 year old rape allegations that seem to have us enamored at the scene or will it be another run at gay rights, immigration.
SOUND OFF: With the SC Confederate flag coming down, what issues do you think the black community should be focused on to move us forward?
Source: NPR