SMH: No Charges Filed Against Police Commander In Unarmed Care Giver Shooting

by | Aug 9, 2016 | News | 0 comments

North Miama police commander Emile Hollant was accused of giving conflicting information regarding the shooting by another police officer of care giver Charles Kinsey, however he has been cleared and will not face any charges.

Hollant was said to be the voice on the dispatch that said a man was walking around with a gun (this later turned out to be an autistic man and he didn’t have a gun).

This led to officer Jonathon Aledda shooting the an’s carer Charles Kinsey on July 18th.

However Hollant, despite making the call, also says he was not at the scene.

The Police dept concluded in a memo:

“We conclude that Commander Hollant did not lie, and that there was no intent by Commander Hollant to mislead or obstruct investigators or command staff officers regarding his involvement in the police shooting,”


Hollant claims he did not see the other officer shoot because he went to his police vehicle to get binoculars when he heard gun shots!

It certainly sounds like a cock and bull story!

Are you not supposed to go and help your fellow officers?

The way things are going Aledda is going to be cleared of all wrongdoing now, despite shooting an unarmed man on the floor with his hands up, who was clearly instructing what was going on!

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