SMH: Loan Officer’s Racist Michelle Obama Tweet Lands Her Fired After Community OUST HER!

by | Jul 28, 2016 | News | 0 comments

A loan officer tweeted something racist about Michelle Obama and while it’s no surprise that some racist person is talking crap on Twitter it’s an important reminder that that the black community isn’t safe anywhere!

Who knows, due to racist workers like her, how many black families and businesses have been refused loans and financial services that they need or deserve, of course this extends to just about every corner of life!

So, what actually happened?

After Michelle Obama’s speech at the DNC Lisa Greenward took it upon herself to tweet this lovely comment!

Lisa Greenward @millar15
@FLOTUS Beautiful??? Seriously, she is an ugly black bitch

SO, Twitter people fought back and some of the tweets below show what people did!

Raina James Workman @raina_workman
@HomePointLoans @millar15 does this lady work for you??? cause she’s hella racist????
1:50 PM – 26 Jul 2016

@HomePointLoans you can’t tell me someone who holds this view on the @FLOTUS is not abusing her powers on other minorities @millar15
8:18 AM – 26 Jul 2016

@HomePointLoans you can’t tell me someone who holds this view on the @FLOTUS is not abusing her powers on other minorities @millar15
8:18 AM – 26 Jul 2016

As you can imagine, the loan company had little choice but to not condone her actions and announce that she has been relieved of her duties!

Story source:


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