African American Women pay just $0.25, white males pay $1.00 and Native Americans get these baked goods for Free! That the message at a recent University of Texas Bake sale setup by the Young Conservatives of Texas in their Affirmative Action Bake Sale! Oh, I forgot to mention, Asian women and men paid the most, between $1.25-$150! Seriously, what’s their damn point?
The groups say they set up the bake sale because they believe it’s racist to use race as a factor students admittance to a university. They think that admissions should be purely merit-based! This coming from a uni that is over 45% white, 19.5% hispanic, 17.2% asian and less than 4% black, nearly 0% native (0.2%)!
Clearly there is an issue with admittance, those numbers don’t reflect the state residency and to suggest that minorities can’t get in because they have less merit is racist in it’s self!
Affirmative action clearly isn’t perfect but there has to be a way to make sure that more non-whites find access to higher education and clearly a lot of others disagreed with the bake sale. Over 100 angry students turned up in opposition!
CT-UT Chairman Vidal Castañeda said in a press release:
“Our protest was designed to highlight the insanity of assigning our lives value based on our race and ethnicity, rather than our talents, work ethic, and intelligence,”
“It is insane that institutional racism, such as affirmative action, continues to allow for universities to judge me by the color of my skin rather than my actions.”
The group pulled the same stunt in 2013 and a similar reaction happened. This time around the protesters live-streamed to Twitter and Facebook, argued and caused a general uproar.
It’s unclear if they managed to sell any baked goods!
The UT "Young Conservatives of Texas" group is having a bake sale right outside where early voting is happening right now & I'm disgusted.
— nick (@jadejesleighpez) October 26, 2016
Read more here.