Over the past few years, there has been much talk and discussion about the new trend of wishing single mothers happy father’s day. It is a new trend many in our community have embraced.
The people who wish these mothers happy father’s day believe the moms are playing both roles and should be acknowledged both on mother’s day and father’s day. Therefore, they do and it seems companies like Hallmark are capitalizing on the trend and giving the people what they want by making father’s day cards for single moms.
There is no denying the job of a single mother is demanding. They are on-call 24/7 with very little help from anyone else, namely the father of the child. Although there could be a wide variety of reasons the father isn’t playing an active role in the child’s life, there is no denying the single parent left in this situation has their hands full….and we all wish them the best for the future of our community, their family and the children involved.
While these seems to be a growing number of people who support the idea of wishing single moms happy father’s day, there is also an an equal number who are dead set against it. They feel the role of a father is an important one and can only be completed by a man, not a woman who is suppose to be taking on “both roles”.
This has been a heated source of tension and debate in the community. With father’s day quickly approaching, we would like to know where do you stand on this issue. Are single moms playing the roles of fathers? Or are they just doing their job and taking care of business like moms throughout history have done before them if the father isn’t holding up their end of the bargain?
Why is there an assumption that recognizing one person excludes another? I give my mother a father’s day card because she is the one that has been there for ally mother’s days and father’s days. She is the one that protected me from bullies and faced off with a 6’3″ father whose son attacked me in daycare. And, I also send a card to my biological male donor. I acknowledge the person who gave me my height, my coloring, and hair. I can acknowledge the roles both people have played in my life without diminishing either.