President Obama may not be the ideal President of the United States for some people, but would he make an excellent Supreme Court Justice? This is the question many are asking as they contemplate what he will do once his 2nd term as POTUS has finished.
At first, I thought this was an absurd idea, but when you start to consider the man’s resume, track record, experience, intelligence and thoughtfulness, the absurdity of the notion quickly fades away.
President Obama served as a constitutional law professor for 12 years at the University of Chicago (Rated 5th in the nation), which is impressive as a stand alone achievement.
However, he isn’t done.
[ADSENSE2] Obama is a graduate of the Harvard Law School, Cum Laude, and was elected Editor of the Harvard Law Review while he was there. And let’s not leave out that small bit of experience as President of the United States for what will be 8 years (2 terms) after being a Senator as well.
Talk about having a resume to sit on the Supreme Court. Has there ever been a more qualified candidate?
But you cannot talk about President Obama without recognizing his clear intellect, discernment, rational thought process, and compassion for the people of the nation.
Which President also sat on the Supreme Court?
William Howard Taft, the 27th President of the United States, holds the honor of being the first President also appointed Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
Making it to SCOTUS was actually Taft’s life long dream when it was interrupted to become President at the urging of his wife and Theodore Roosevelt. Therefore, in 1921 when he joined the Supreme Court, it was probably his greatest achievement to himself.
Taft died March 8th, 1930.
SOUND OFF: Do you think President Obama should join the SCOTUS? Would he make a great Chief Justice?
Source: Biography