Should officer have used the Travon Martin target poster as a training method [VIDEO]?

by | Apr 16, 2013 | News | 0 comments

Do you think this officer should have used the Travon Martin’s target poster as a training method? He says it was meant to teach other officers what not to fire at as appose giving into the negative reaction which in so many officer’s case is to shoot when they see a person resembling the characteristics of which Travon Martin’s appearance resembled the night he was gun down by Zimmerman.

ron-king-screenshotShould he have used a different method in which to teach over zealous officers to consider the consequences of their actions would mean to the love ones of the victims. They are so reckless and over zealously shooting with the intent to kill.

If so what are some other choices this officer could have chose to use in his attempt to teach officers?

By SD Blogger

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