You can’t help but love Serena Williams. Man, woman, young, old, and all races love this woman because of her fierce competitiveness, and the fact that she’s so unapologetically herself.
Williams recently had an interview with SELF Magazine, in which she talked about her Women’s Tennis Association rankings, and how her strict diet keeps her strong and ready for some serious grand slams.
The woman’s body is banging! At the age of 34, she stands at 5’9 and weighs in at 155 pounds according to WTA. If you calculate her BMI, she’s smooth sailing. But, haters gone hate! Serena is constantly criticized by trolls, body-shaming her, saying she is built like a man. We’re still trying to figure out what man would fill out a dress like her, but I digress.
In her SELF interview, Williams states, “I love my body, and I would never change anything about it. I’m not asking you to like my body. I’m just asking you to let me be me. Because I’m going to influence a girl who does look like me, and I want her to feel good about herself.”
Fans also enjoyed the tennis star in Beyoncé’s music video “Sorry” on her visual album Lemonade, where she “danced like no one was looking.” Serena has also been known to twerk in videos posted on social media. She even gave a tutorial for the SELF Magazine readers.
Along with philanthropic ventures, Serena is known to be a great friend, and of course a positive role model for black children everywhere. I’ll say it again: you can’t help but love Serena Williams.
She’s now preparing for the Summer Games (she landed in Rio with 5 bags and pushed them all, #boss), and is scheduled to play in singles and doubles matches on Saturday, August 6th. We’re rooting for you Serena!