RESIGNATION PETITION: Uni of Oregon Law Professor Wears Blackface to Halloween Party

by | Nov 5, 2016 | News | 0 comments

I’m having to check my calendar here, yep, it’s 2016! But some supposedly educated still think wearing black face at Halloween is somehow acceptable.

The reason the practise is offensive isn’t exactly hard to understand.

Years of racial prejudice, the use of blackface in a derogatory and racist fashion, the whole thing should be buried by now!

Now UO Law faculty members are seeking for a professor’s resignation after his alleged blackface costume.

So, what allegedly happened?

Nancy Shurtz, a University of law professor was at an off-campus party on this past Monday, photos were snapped of her in blackface and registerguard.

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com got a hold of one (seen below).


At this stage 23 professors have signed an open letter asking for her resignation. And also this is backed by a petition that can be found on here:

At this stage, we can’t see any explanations / responses from Nancy.

Why couldn’t she just stay classy like this awesome white kid that went to a party dressed as his hero Malcom X?

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