Released Audio Proves Cops Assaulted and Left 16-year-old Gynnya McMillen For Dead, Refusing Her CPR!!

by | Feb 1, 2016 | News | 0 comments

16-year-old Gynnya McMillen was taken into custody in January for assaulting her mother. After refusing to remove her hoodie for a mugshot she was subjected to a martial arts stress position.

That night she died in her cell. Despite being checked on 3 times, her unresponsiveness was not questioned. CPR was not started on her for a full 11 minutes after she had died.

Now the audio has been released essentially confirming that police assaulted her and left her for dead.

A cause of death is yet to be determined but from an external perspective and looking at the timeline of events it seems there was some kind of extreme misconduct at play. This kid’s life may well have been not at risk if everyone’s job has been done as it should.

You can hear the audio below:

You can read the timeline in this more indepth article from CBS:

Very very sad story. Let’s hope justice is found.


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