RACIST TO THE CORE: Helicopter Officer Calls Police Executed Terence Crutcher ‘Bad Dude’ Even Though He Was Unarmed, Peaceful, And Had His Hands Up

by | Sep 20, 2016 | News | 1 comment

Terence Crutcher was executed for no reason by police in Tulsa. He was on the ground, hands up, peacful. His only real crime was being black!

No Helicopter footage shows an officer labeling him a ‘Bad Dude’ seemingly for no reason and it absolutely highlights the extent to which anti-black racism is ingrained in our police force.

It is absolutely out of control.

Terrence’s car broke down, the police came to check, they brutally gunned him down. There is NO NEED FOR AN INVESTIGATION here because there is absolutely nothing to investigate. Dashcam and Choppercam footage shows everything.

Being black is the crime.

The chopper footage is below, the death is shown so I give you prior warning.

Heavy has more details on the murder: http://heavy.com/news/2016/09/terence-terrence-terance-crutcher-officer-betty-shelby-tulsa-oklahoma-black-man-shot-unarmed-video-family-photos-car/

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1 Comment

  1. Michael Jones

    Inequality has always existed since slavery and hasn’t change much! As black people or African American, whatever your preference, we must fight for equality everyday our lives! Cell phones, television and the internet, are black people greatest threat to survival! We must always seek peace first and if to no avail: whatever means necessary.However we are confronted we have that same right to respond, so says the constitution of United States of America!


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