President Obama Wants to Force the KKK to Name Members & Supporters After Charleston Church Massacre

by | Jun 29, 2015 | News | 0 comments

Last week was an historic one for President Obama. Gay marriage was ruled legal by the Supreme Court of the nation in all 50 states, discriminatory housing was outlawed, and his health care plan was once again upheld, deemed legal and is here to stay.

However, that wasn’t enough. The nations first black President continues to make waves in the nation and race relations after the Charleston Shooting massacre that left 9 church goers dead and 21 year old white man at the center of domestic terrorism and hate crimes in the country.

kkk unmaskingPOTUS is interested in introducing laws that will force hate groups like the KKK to pull back the hood and release the names and identities of their members, donors and supporters. Many believe this will do great things by forcing these roaches out of the dark and into the light.

Many in the black community believe if this is made into law, then many of the judges, politicians, and police officers will be forced to admit their affiliation with these groups and be removed from their positions of authority in the country.

Obama made his thoughts known speaking to Charleston mayor Joe Riley. Riley made the thoughts known via an interview with the Daily Mail.

You can read the quotes from the DailyMail below:


Riley, in an exclusive interview with Daily Mail online, said: ‘I have spoken with the President and the Vice President about this. And I have talked to the White House too.

‘One of the things we need to do is for the national government to give resources to expose these hate groups.

‘In America we worship the first amendment and any body can say anything they want.

‘But we need to shine the spotlight on them (racist organizations), so at least we know where they are among the public.

‘Neighbors should be able to know that the person living next to them is an absolute bigot. So there is a lot of work to do.’

He said many self styled racists such as alleged gunman Dylann Roof built their evil beliefs after ‘being fed by the internet’ and new legislation to marshal racial material on the web is set to be brought in.

‘We need a national council on these hate groups. The President is talking about that. We have just got a lot more work to do,’ he said.

SOUND OFF: Do you think releasing the  names of members and supporters of hate groups is a good idea?

Source: DailyMail

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