POOR SO WHAT: Why dose the government fight us so hard for healthcare? As I go through my research and read about this study and that study it makes my butt hurt from the anger I try to hold back, after reading articles about black/low income communities by white doctors and researcher with MD’s, PH D’s, Masters, Graduates and under grads. Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla, is what started to jump off the pages after so long, it was the same information on just about everything I read.
We are and will always be Statistics, Hood Rats and monkeys. When I walk through the neighborhood I grew up in, where there once were stores and small family owned restaurants for the community have now vanished and are replaced with labs, study sites and research facilities my question to you is why are they now posting up in the middle of poor and low income neighborhoods?
NO HEALTHCARE SO WHAT: Don’t get me wrong I respect President Obamas black, but lets get real here, This last Government shut down shows us they will fight tooth and nail to hold on to their WPP (White Peoples Privilege).  President Obama is unable to make the major moves that most presidents did with ease, and not much of a fight. The Republican party only gave him this healthcare reform to get him out of their asses.” President Obama ” I would have to say is very brave to take his whole family and put them into the most segregated world you could ever know in modern America” that being said although the healthcare reform is a major step for the poor and low income families, it only gives us access to more student doctors who practice on us in our clinics and hospitals, we get medical insurance but under a few conditions like medical student being our doctors, to top it all off the government is making it mandatory to have healthcare insurance.
They took something we wanted so bad and are using it to their advantage, we are now under the biggest microscope in the world of medicine. I bring this issue to you because when I look at the world of modern medicine I shake my head like most of us do. why not keep students in clinics within the school setting and allow the community to come to them and let the hospital and clinics be for those who have completed school. Â
I wanted to bring this topic to you because alternative medicine has been apart of my life all of my life. though I went to all of my yearly checkups and got physicals for all of the sports I played , I didn’t take modern medicine until I was 17 years old when I dislocated my shoulder, the student doctors didn’t know what to do when my mother told them I had never had anything stronger then natural pain killing herbs. Instead of calling the resident doctor to guide them, they went ahead and gave me more morphine and a few milder forms of morphine for the pain over 5 times into my IV, then proceeded to give me something to put me to sleep so that they could set my shoulder, when the medicine didn’t work to put me to sleep right a way the tried to reassure my mom that it was ok to give me more and they did when my mother stepped in and told the student doctors to call a real doctor down, he came in and instantly knew something was wrong he then came to my bed side to check my hart to find my hart beat was irregular so now my shoulder has been out of place for more then 4 hours and I had to wait a bit longer so that they could hook me up to the EKG machine.
I almost died that day and had my mother not been there then more likely I would have. My point to this is Keep students where they belong in school, and anything done in the hospitals should always be done to assist the doctor, not to be the doctor when you have yet to finish school.
NO MONEY FOR ALTERNITIVE HEALTHCARE SO FUCKIN WHAT: Most people in poor or low income families could not tell you what alternative medicine is or even be able to afford it. I’m sure most of them have been treated by an alternative healthcare provider though, Raise your hand if you have ever been treated by an chiropractor or a physical Therapist, yeah I figured you would raise your hand but here is the catch if you have medical insurance from the government or for low income families you have to have a medical reason from your doctor before your insurance company will allow you to receive 4 to 6 maybe 10 session spared out to be about once or twice a month.
I am an alternative healthcare provider myself so I would like to walk you through 4 to 10 session for someone with spinal and soft tissue injuries do to a car accident, a person with these types of injuries with insurance for low income families 4 to 6 sessions will only help minor injuries to the spine and allow you to only get a routine down so that you would be able to continue your rehab at home here is the reality of this, most low income families only have one adult guardian this being the person injured there is no way they can continue self treatment simply because they are head of house hold with a minimum of 2 jobs, 10 sessions for someone with extensive injuries to the spine and soft tissue will suffer the same fate only they may not recover as fast if they do at all. This brings me to my point of walking you through this misconception of alternative healthcare because when it doesn’t work the first time you look down at that pill and say Fuck the chiropractor and Fuck the physical therapist, you see the only reason it’s made to look like alternative healthcare dose not work is because the insurance companies profit more from the hospitals, clinics and pharmaceutical companies.
Here’s the thing you would have to know the politics of our healthcare system but who has the damn time for that and they know it. I am here to say MAKE THE TIME PEOPLE CAUSE THEIR GETTING AWAY WITH MURDER ON A MASS LEVEL. If they won’t pay for it you need to, since they won’t give us a balanced healthcare system make your own you kids deserve to have a mother, father and roll model how else will they have to count on to know how to stay healthy if we don’t show them each one teach one stand up for you right to live long.