Police Violence in America: Is Going ‘Back to Africa’ a Viable Solution?

by | Jul 13, 2016 | Blog | 0 comments

It has been 12 days since Jesse Williams gave his impassioned speech on the value of Black lives at the 2016 BET Awards.

Four days since America celebrated its Founding Fathers’ war to escape the fate that many African and Caribbean nations faced: being a colony of Great Britain, complete with colorful simulated explosions aka fireworks.

Yet we have come right back to the same sickeningly familiar place: black men dead at the hands of American police officers.

One, Philando Castile, was shot to death in front of his girlfriend and their daughter as his girlfriend documented his murder on Facebook live. Another, Alton Sterling, was murdered while two police visibly had both of his hands restrained.

Now several officers in Dallas, Tex., are dead, another black man was falsely and very publicly accused of being involved, and everyone is on pins and needles as this unofficial war on black lives gets uglier and uglier.

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