Playground Racism: 7 Year Old Boy Calls Black Man & Daughter At The Park The N-Word (Video)

by | Jun 2, 2015 | Blog | 0 comments

Imagine this. You are at the part with your daughter, having fun and minding your business. A little white boy about the age of 7 walks up to you and her and calls both of you ‘N*ggers’. What would you do?

This might seem difficult to imagine, but this actually happened to a man recently. He recorded the video and it was posted on Worldstar Hip Hop, a popular website in the African American community. But the video is causing much controversy and discussion in the community as people are reacting to the foul language, lack of parental control and obvious condoning of bigotry and hatred by whomever the parents of this little boy are.

Caleb n-wordLet’s face it, no one is born a racist, bigot. It doesn’t happen like that. These are learned behaviors and clearly this boys parents or someone who carries a lot of time and influence over him has taught him these things which he may carry with him throughout the rest of his life.


The man and his daughter are sitting a bench enjoying a beautiful day when the little boy just wonders up to them and let’s loose a racial slur as if he were saying hello. There seems to be no malicious intent behind the words of the youngster. He spits it out as if he doesn’t even realize what he is saying. However, when questioned if he knows the words he are using are hurtful and wrong, he responds yes, but still doesn’t seem to grasp the gravity of the statement he makes.

Hats off to the brother in this video for keeping his cool, filming the encounter so we can have the discussion and at least looking for his parents. Because as you can imagine, the little boy isn’t being closely supervised by loving parents and seem to be at the park all alone.

PLAYGROUND RACISM!! 7 Year Old Boy Walks Up To A BLACK MAN And His DAUGHTER At The Park . . . And Calls Them ‘N*GGERS’!! (What Would YOU DO . . . If You Met THIS KID??)

Posted by Mediatakeout on Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Nevertheless, if you were in this situation, how would you respond to being called the N-word by a random 7 year old boy?

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