Yesterday, the news came out into the social media airwaves about the fast-growing and spreading “Atheist Mega-Church.”
What began as a British joke turned into a full-scale worship center for non-believers. As a Believer-in-Action and not a Christian-in-Name-Only, I hate to say it, but it’s hard to blame them. It was once suggested that atheism is a religion and many of them denied it. This Mega-church influx is proof of that.
However, if we take into consideration the kinds of negative activities and actions going on in today’s Churches (and their ‘super-size-me’ offspring, the McChurches), I’d be an atheist, too…if I didn’t know better than that. A church with a roof over its head is not an automatic connection to God-and what has taken root in many of today’s Bible-thumping churches is proof of that.
Question: “Is your spirit ‘peacemaker blessed’ and dressed for success”?
A root lust and envy, outright greed and pride has gotten ahold of the churches, The self-proclaimed Bride.
There are more than a few atheists who are just as lustful and envious and greedy and filled with selfish pride, but that is expected of non-believers. Those who say they believe in God have no excuse for it.
Any man or woman who calls on the Name of God / Jehovah / Allah / Yahweh, and sports the words “I believe in God the Father” is supposed to ‘represent,’ and they should never have the words greed, pride, lust, or envy spoken of them.
There are 66 books in the Bible of Godward-minded schools of thought.
Though these books were copied from Hebrew scrolls, news reports, documents, and handwritten letters that were directed to Hebrew people about the One and Only God and their place in the world and to the Lord–and not given to the entire world without coming through the Chosen people; and though another nation of people not of the Hebrew God translated the scrolls and decided what would remain and what would be left out, let’s take a look at the “spirit of the Law,” rather than the Letter of the Laws, as a good place to start to discover what should lead to other places.
There are 66 books in that Bible and not one of them promote pride, lust, envy, greed, or even “mega-church prosperity gospel ear-tickling” as an attribute of godliness. As a matter of fact, if read thoroughly from cover to cover, every one of those books advocate for the exact opposite.
Yes, when you, or I, or anyone who uses the Name of the Lord God have the words ‘pride’, ‘lust’, ‘envy’, ‘greed’, or any of those things God was opposed to spoken of us or to us, something is most assuredly wrong.
This is not about ‘putting on airs’ to impress people who aren’t saved…they can only save themselves in the end; but it does have to do with internalizing and absorbing anti-Christ into the Church, and then using the words “Nobody’s perfect” to excuse it and cover it up.
Nobody has to be perfect to live a “Perfected” life. Those who say it is impossible and cannot be done call their own Lord & Savior a liar.
The Bible says that not only can it be done, but it must.
1. No, Ms Such’n’Much, that married pastor is not the man God gave you just so you can refer to yourself as “The First Lady” of the Church. He is likely not yours even if he is single. You are not Serita Ann Jakes, you will never BE Serita Ann Jakes, or any of the others that you have placed on a spiritual pedestal. If the Lord meant for you to be Serita Ann Jakes, or even Michelle Obama, you would be them. Why would you want to be? Be yourself.
Go sit your burning tail down and understand that even if you spend the rest of your life unmarried, you will not, in fact, die from being single. The Lord will let you know when and who and sometimes even ‘why’.
He is not into the habit of busting up marriages just so you can be First Anything. That would be more like something the Enemy would do.
2. No, Mr. WannaBeTheBishop, that place or position in the Kingdom of The Churched may not be where you belong.
If you happen to be a darned good pianist and organist and your highest height in church is as a Choir Director, then get there and stay put. A Bishop you are not.
3. That reflection in the mirror is not God. You are not God, or even “a” god. The book of Genesis says that man would be made “in the image” of God, not made to be God Himself.
Take it on faith that the Biblical story about how Beelzebul (the Enemy), a former angel of light, is true. His deep desire to take that which did not belong to him, the name of God Himself, caused a thick and hot war to break out, and he and his cronies were tossed out of heaven as a result of it.
Adam and Eve were evicted from the Garden of Eden for the same reason. It was that very mentality that brought down an entire world because of their actions. “Aw, heck. The Lord God just told you not to eat that because He doesn’t want you to be LIKE Him. Go ahead and eat it, and you will BE Him.” We all know what happened after that.
On the same type of bend, TD Jakes once said words to this effect – “Jesus was rich. They tore his coat into pieces and divided it amongst themselves because it had monetary value.” The thought likely never occurred to him that they did it just to ridicule the Savior, which is the same reason they crushed a crown of thorns on His head and mocked Him with the derogatory words “King of the Jews.” Any lie is a lie, no matter what format it comes in, or what it is used to justify.
Man’s quest to “be” God, or be “a” god, will never come to fruition because it can’t.
Suffice it to say that if Louis Farrakhan’s story about Ya[k]ub and the actual scientific lab creation of white man is correct, then a man trying to create -or clone- another man, as if he himself is God, explains why they have been the ‘bane’ of the Black man’s existence ever since they got here.
Reflect on that for a minute.
4. You believe in the goodness of greatness of God, but when Scandal is on television, or when it’s time for Dr. Phil’s show, or any of the others, everything in your immediate vicinity shuts down and gets closed off.
If a Sister next to you is hurting and you can’t see her or hear her, or your only response to her is “oh cry me a river,” but you can vicariously engage in watching the Dr. Phil Show or ‘SCANDAL’ — the pains of others who have nothing to do with you — then something is situationally highly wrong with your spirit.
An active and busy God-ordained Believer has no time to engage with anti-Christ on television or in any of the genres of music, books, theater, or the news. There are too many people in this world, this lifetime, who are lost and dying at our feet to make time for it.
Who or what is anti-Christ?, you ask.
Take a trip on over to “Hollywrong” (CA or NY). They are very much in denial about the Father and the Son. That is anti-Christ. They are even in denial about the truth of the world history of Black people, and they produce and market movies and television shows and sales of products that do the same.  As a matter of information: It’s not up to us or anyone else to persuade them otherwise, it’s up to us to recognize what we should and should not be listening to.
Anti-Christ is not a “monster” or a “beast” or a “mark” or an Armageddon entity numbered 666 that is going to show up and scare the bejeebs out of everybody with smoke and flames all over the place, that is rank-and-file outright superstition.
Anti-Christ is nothing more or less than the denial of Christ as the Son of God, the Messiah. Period.
It might be time to shut down the white noise and make some of your own. Your people need you.
The next person who opens their front door to a Jehovah’s Witness or a Mormon bearing a Bible and a bite to eat, or a sacrificial offering of love in the form of a ride or a small donation or even a box of disposable diapers in a time of need should be looking at you.
That is where your tithe belongs, and what the Bible mandates be done with the tithe as to redistribution in the ‘storehouse’. (Malachi 3:10). The tithe does not belong to the McChurch, and it never did. The current teachings about the use and administration of the tithe was erroneous in text and context.
5. Living a Perfected Life does not mean being perfect.
We are all human, we all make unintentional mistakes.
The real problem comes in when intentional choices are made to do the wrong thing, that which ticks away at your spirit and internal knowledge of the right thing to do, with the intent and knowledge of doing harm or devastation and/or wrong to another person.
That’s the end of it.
6. Do you live in a place or know of a place where children don’t dress properly for school, are shooting and killing each other, can’t find jobs or are seeing more prisons than schools, and who constantly listen to hiphop and/or rap lyrics that are spiritually degrading and disrespectful of the heart and soul of the Black community, its children, and its elders – whether they are blood-related to you or not?
If so … the last thing you have time to think about and dwell on is your stated or coveted “position” in a church hierarchy.
7. Believe and understand that your God-given authority in the Lord’s name does not allow “weakness” in forgiveness. If there was ever an African proverb that applies to this, it is “When you pray, move your feet.”
Many who do not know the Lord look upon The Churched as “weak” and of a slave-mentality due to their whitenized beliefs in the Savior that we call The Christ. But contrary to this popularized opinion, he who is a believer in justice is a doer of justice.
People who say they believe in the Lord understand that if the Savior was here right now, He would heal people without prejudice as to looks, race, or financial capacity. For example, as a Believer in truth, why would there be a push against a healthcare coverage program that includes everybody it can and excludes no one?
This kind of Christ-like justice, amongst the many others that were hard fought and won battles over the years (including Civil Rights and Voting Rights), do not belong to “Caesar,” or the government. It belongs to and rests with the spirit of the People of God.
Belief in God demands equitable justice -even when the poor remain- in all areas of life; and that, in turn, demands the corresponding actions that go with it.
8. Lastly, please understand completely and thoroughly what the Bible, the Word of God itself, says about the Hebrew people who came out of Judah’s loins (that be YOU; yes, you).
There is a reason why Black people got in trouble in the world’s domain in the first place: Being stubborn, obstinate, and generally and specifically hard-headed. As hayell.
Jeremiah 5:23 /Â Lexham English Bible (LEB)
“But for this people is a stubborn and rebellious heart,
they have turned aside and have gone away.”
The Kings and Queens of Africa’s origins do dress, act, and think, walk, talk and speak like Kings and Queens.
They do not carry on as salespersons in a pulpit; as if they are like an arrogant over-bloated white man who measures the very brevity of life in terms of European (Caesarian) money, material gain and goods, and deadly media-inspired illusions about who they really are. They may have vested ownership in ‘stuff’ because this is what it takes to live in this world, but they understand the end of these things and what will become of them. They refuse to exchange their souls for the profit of the world in which they live.
And above all else, Kings and Queens do not allow ill, even from the mouths of atheists who do not believe, to be spoken of the Bride of Christ, the Church, or God. This is not effected by telling them not to say this or that, they can say whatever they please and it is their right to do so; but it is effected by living in such a manner as not to bring shame to the Lord’s name in the presence of those who do not believe.
This is not a sermon, it is an admonition. The words are “Blessed are the peacemakers,” not the peace-takers.
If you will have peace in your life, then be a person of peace in all of your comings and goings, your tiding and greetings, and in all that you seek out and do.