We are all waking up to the unthinkable, a white man in the white house! Oh wait, that’s been the norm for all but one of the previous presidencies! However, this white man is failed businessman Donald Trump, openly immigrant hating, free trade hating, welfare hating, tax dodging Donald Trump.
The outlook for the economy, at least in the short term, isn’t looking great for the USA, and the world is just a little worried too!
Weathering a storm is never easy. No one I knew really thought Trump would be moving into the Oval office and really it’s gonna be tough to know just how the world around us is gonna be affected!
BUT we know that sh*t is real now! It really is a wake up call for the apathetic!
Politically, being black and wanting change on a national scale isn’t gonna happen by protesting alone (not telling people to stop that!).
Self organisation, self sufficiency and keeping dollars black is absolutely essential to bring up those around you and try to create an environment where education and sustainable business can thrive, where money may be tight but can be there to help each other weather any tsumanis that are gonna run through.
As soon as the coffee has cleared a little of your shock a gazillion things will run through your mind! Obviously today there WILL be some hate based attacks (I am calling that), so watch yourself out there!
BUT, there is something you need to do. YOU NEED TO MOVE YOUR MONEY!
That money absolutely has to go to a black owned bank. It has to get into our community.
The easy option is to load up One United and open an online account but preferably you also should try and find your local black owned bank and open an account with them. Keeping that money local is essential in making the black community web stronger.
So, Are you in? Will you do this task today?
Find your local black owned bank here.