NOW WHAT? U.N. Admits Role in Haiti’s Cholera Epidemic….

by | Aug 18, 2016 | News | 0 comments

Thousands of Haitans have been killed by Cholera over the last six years and it’s long been known that the U.N. had a hand in this. BUT the U.N. has stayed silent on the issue, until now.

Finally Ban Ki-moon has acknowledged that the United Nations had a role in the initial outbreak, it’s believed that U.N. peacekeepers imported the disease.

And now he says that there needs to be “significant new set of U.N. actions” to fight the problem…. Isn’t this all six years too late?

The U.N. has stopped short of accepting all responsibility and still maintains legal immunity and won’t be entertaining people who want to bring legal action against it.


A report was put together by a special rapporteur named Philip Alston, he is a longtime U.N. advisor, an NYU law prof.

The Washington Post reported:

In the 19-page report, obtained from an official who had access to it, Mr. Alston took issue with the United Nations’ public handling of the outbreak, which was first documented in mid-October 2010, shortly after people living along the Meille River began dying from the disease.

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The first victims lived near a base housing 454 United Nations peacekeepers freshly arrived from Nepal, where a cholera outbreak was underway, and waste from the base often leaked into the river. Numerous scientists have since argued that the base was the only plausible source of the outbreak — whose real death toll, one study found, could be much higher than the official numbers state — but United Nations officials have consistently insisted that its origins remain up for debate.

Mr. Alston wrote that the United Nations’ Haiti cholera policy “is morally unconscionable, legally indefensible and politically self-defeating.” He added, “It is also entirely unnecessary.” The organization’s continuing denial and refusal to make reparations to the victims, he argued, “upholds a double standard according to which the U.N. insists that member states respect human rights, while rejecting any such responsibility for itself.”

So, they say they are going to finally do something about it. Personally, I think, even if you had good intentions you have to clean up any mess you make! Over 10,000 people have died, so this is no small mess!

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