A Muslim refugee has now become the nations first Somali-American lawmaker in a small sliver of joy and hope in the disasterous election debacle!
Although the mere news of this will have many Republicans and much of #WhiteAmerica hiding in their bomb shelters shouting SHARIA, personally I feel this is amazing news.
Minneapolis organizer Ilhan Omar has made history. A strong, African, unapologetically muslim woman, wife and mother is there vowing to stand up for youth and minorities.
This is beautiful!
The 34-year-old won House District 60B, parts of the the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood, southeast Minneapolis and the University of Minnesota.
She defeated DFLer Phyllis Kahn who had run for decades in the primary and actually ran unopposed because her republican opponent pulled out for family reasons.
And guess what, she pulled in almost 80% of the vote! A HUGE WIN!
Minnesota has the larges Somali immigrant population in the country, Trump has called Somali immigration a threat to Minnesota, so women like Omar are there to stand up against issues that may cause.
She has said that she will be “voice for the marginalized” at the Capitol. And…
“I think I bring the voice of young people,” she said. “I think I bring the voice of women in the East African community. I bring the voice of Muslims. I bring the voice of young mothers looking for opportunities.”
Read more here on mpr news.