Muhammad Ali is the greatest boxer of all time, but it is quickly becoming evident that he stands tall among the greatest activist for black, civil and moral rights of all time as well. Never one to back down, he gave up a fortune refusing to participate in the Army draft to fight in a war for America.
Chief among his reasoning was those people in Vietnam never called him the N-Word, sicked dogs on him, hung his people from trees and much worse than we care to mention at this time.
He gave up his heavy weight title belt and spent three years in jail while in the prime of his career.
Just image how much money he lost because of his decision to do what he felt was right.
Ali was at the peak of his athletic talent at a different time in this country. Black athletes were conscious and connected to the community. A conscious, outspoken black athlete was the norm. You name a sport and there were prominent black men and women taking a stand for civil and human rights of black people across this country.
Today, not so much.
Black athletes have decided the benefits of capitalism outweigh going to bed with a clean conscious or fighting for the rights of their people in the struggle against oppression by this government and citizens.
Take a listen to the greatest speak the words you can only wish our black athletes had the gall to speak in this day and age.
This is clearly why Muhammad Ali is and forever will be THE GREATEST!