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Michael Brown Sr: An Apology Will Be Darren Wilson Handcuffed, Processed and Charged With Murder | Urban Intellectuals

Michael Brown Sr: An Apology Will Be Darren Wilson Handcuffed, Processed and Charged With Murder

by | Sep 29, 2014 | News | 0 comments

Speaking to the Associate Press this weekend, the parents of Michael Brown responded to Ferguson, Missouri police chief’s apology for the killing and handling of their unarmed, 18 year old son, Michael Brown. As expected, they responded in a manner that reflects the majority of the black community’s views on this issue and the apology.

Brown’s mother, Lesley McSpadden, said, “yes,” when asked if Chief Tom Jackson should be fired, and his father, Michael Brown Sr., said rather than an apology, they would rather see the officer who shot their son arrested for his Aug. 9 death.

mike-brown-parents“An apology would be when Darren Wilson has handcuffs, processed and charged with murder,” Brown Sr. said.

Darren Wilson is the white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri who shot and killed the unarmed, black teenager, Michael Brown on August 9th, 2014. The community and nation has been in a state of unrest since this happened and seems like there is no end in sight. Wilson is still free, uncharged and receiving a paycheck on the tax payers dollars. Note, the Ferguson community is 67% black.

Jackson, the Ferguson police chief, released a video apology to the Brown family and the community. He admitted they mishandled the boy of Michael Brown after the shooting, leaving him out in the streets far longer than he should have been. Young Michael Brown laid in the street for over 4 hours while the police collected evidence.

“I don’t want words, I want action,” McSpadden said in the AP interview.

Many in the black community echo these same words. The time for talk is over. It has been over a month and a half since Michael Brown was shot and killed by Darren Wilson. The sad thing is he hasn’t even been charged or arrested in the case.


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