Michael Brown Art Exhibition in Chicago and Cops Are PISSED

by | Jul 12, 2015 | Blog | 0 comments

Police are furious about a new art exhibit that is all about the murder of Michael Brown by Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson. The display in Chicago, Illinois includes a life-size portrayal of Michael Brown as he lay face down, right after he was killed last year.

My question is why would the police be mad? Why is it so heard for the police to face the hard truth that some of them cold-blooded killers? Why do they pretend that this mass murders of black men and women don’t happen and they are unjustified? I’m not here to debate good cop vs bad cop, but the reality of the situation is that the world is watching now, and they have to answer for these murders.

The exhibit also has an African American Statue of Liberty, and a noose hanging from a neon sign. Art enthusiasts in Chicago say the police have been anything but happy with the display. On message boards and social media posts circulating the debut, self-described police officers had nothing nice to say about the display. The art display includes a plaque with the words “I Can’t Breath” engraved on it. These were the last words of Eric Garner as New York City Police officers choked him to death over a few pennies of tax on loose cigarettes.

As for the Brown family, the praised the exhibit, calling it an important piece. Far from being a “racially divisive” piece as some police officers on social media have claimed, the artist is a Caucasian woman from New Orleans. The art exhibit is set to be on display through August 10th of this year.


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