Yes I made up the word for all my English teachers before you come on the post trying to correct me but let’s get to this amazing little guy!
An ambitious 4 year-old woke Saturday morning and told his father he wanted to read 100 books. Some may think I’m a nerd but I was pumped when I hears about his goal because in my eyes that’s huge, 100 books in ONE day!
Sylus and Rhoda Green went live as 4 year-old Caleb read 100 books. He started around 2:30 pm and read his 100th book right before midnight. YES Caleb achieved his goal! Caleb did such an amazing job that channel 7 news Chicago wanted to meet him:
But young black energetic and ambitious boys can’t dream and can’t do amazing things without being attached by prejudice and evil people. These are some of the nasty comments that were left:
Parents? Father too?Â
Glad that he can read. But will he respect the law and other people around him?
Book? more like pamphlets. Come back when he finishes his 100th novel.
I was beyond upset but reading these comments solidifies my approach to how I choose to educate my children, how I choose to affirm my children day in and day out, and it let’s me know that more of us need to do the same. After seeing Caleb’s story I walked up to my 3 year-old up like, “Hey, what are we reading today! Let’s get it!”
Teach your children to dream big and they will have the confidence they need to excel in life. You see Sylus said he hesitated and thought about having him lower his number but then he sold out to his son’s dream and encouraged him along the way. Let’s encourage each other and continue to build our villages.
I started writing this out of anger and frustration but that’s taking away from what we can accomplish if we stay focused on our goals and dreams just as Caleb did!
Whatever you’re working on, do it with enthusiasm and never give up on yourself!
Go Caleb continue to inspire and continue to be great! #CalebReads100
Dope! Keeping giving positive info
Haters been hating for 6000+ yrs they can’t stop the progress of the young gods that show and prove