Katrina Stanfield has emerged from the shattered fray of civil rights injustices across America for being fired by a certain McDonald’s franchisee for being “too black” to work in their store.
Here is the letter she wrote that came out of a formed and collective charitable cause fronted by certain white Americans:
I was fired from McDonald’s because I don’t “fit the profile.”
What profile? Well, my boss never said. But she did say: “There are too many black people in the store.” And she did say: “We need to get the ghetto out of the store.” And: “It’s dark in here and needs more lightening.”
Today, I’m filing suit against McDonald’s, along with 9 of my former coworkers, for firing us on racist grounds. Will you stand with us?Â
Tell McDonald’s: Racist harassment is unacceptable and illegal. Pay your workers damages and back pay today. >>
I worked hard at McDonald’s, working my way up from cashier to manager in less than a year. I never had a disciplinary action or write-up filed against me. Then one day they fired me—just like that.
Now I need to figure out a new way to support my two kids.
We asked McDonald’s corporate to help us get our jobs back, but the company told us to take our concerns to the franchisee – the same franchisee that had regularly harassed us on the job and then fired us.
The fact is – this problem is bigger than just our store. There’s a problem with a company as a whole when its workers have nowhere to turn when facing racism on the job.
If we had a union, we could stand together and demand respect, but on our own, our bosses get away with racist harassment.
Sign the petition: McDonald’s must pay back pay and damages to the fired workers like me and make sure that this type of blatant racism never happens again at any McDonald’s in the country.
Monday was Martin Luther King Day and today we find ourselves still fighting Dr. King’s fight. It’s simply ridiculous that in 2015, we still have to take our bosses to court for racist harassment in the workplace. But we do.
Please take a stand with us today.
Thanks for all that you do,
Katrina Stanfield
Former McDonald’s Employee
No, Katrina, I will not stand with a Black woman who identifies herself only as a “former McDonald’s employee.”
This is a ‘catfight on the streets’ with powers bigger than you, and all that will come of it is another moment in history for Al Sharpton to act like he’s the “man of the hour” and have you and your children tossed back into a continuing cycle of poverty and white corporate dependency for the rest of your lives.
I will not stand with a Black woman who fails to understand that the very cause of poverty and welfare in America is people who fight to be ON those plantations instead of off of them.
I will not stand with a Black woman who does not appear to know that McDonald’s not only feeds them and their children the nastiest remanufactured prefab food on the planet, but who also does not seem to understand that working her way from “fries to hamburgers” is not a road she wants to travel on if she is really going someplace in life. It has no long-term benefit for her or her children.
I will not stand with a Black woman who doesn’t know that McDonald’s just told her and the other nine they fired that they are too good for the McDonald’s plantation, though she insists on keeping herself in a box that she was let out of and for which she will soon be very grateful that she was.
I will not stand with a Black woman who does not know that McDonald’s not only holds title to one of the biggest franchise operations that Black people who have the money will buy into, but also who does not appear to know who Marion Gross is, or why she should have been the first one contacted; and who also does not know who owns Fair Oaks Farms, one of McDonald’s largest African American suppliers. Pool your resources, the 10 of you, if you insist, and buy one of your own stores.
It should be an eye-opener for her on the bigger picture of racism in America, not a “give me and my friends my job back and a few bucks for firing us in the first place.”
Maybe this is her ‘3 am Negro wake-up’ call, along with the nine others, on why the TEN of them should be in partnership with one another to grow a bigger and better non-GMO “fresh food only” burger joint right across the street from that McDonald’s and then hire Black people, and nothing BUT Black people, themselves.
Her two children’s futures should never have been put into the hands of McDonald’s in the first place. That is a job for teens and college students who need school supplies and clothes, not for adults with families.
The Mac Machine is one of the biggest co-signers and producers of welfare and unending poverty in America, along with Target, WalMart, and so many other places that hire Black people for plantation “wages” (i.e., nothing or next to nothing).
No, Katrina … your welfare-backing “slave-wage” job with McDonald’s is not going to suffice for you, or for any working Black man or woman in this nation with families and children to care for.
They give you a low-wage job that requires you to “pee in a cup” in order to feed your children, administered by legislators who force you to “pee in a cup” when you end up on FULL 100-percent state aid welfare because of their racist inclinations, but who will not pee in a cup to prove that they are qualified to be your employers or that they should even have jobs as legislators in your state.
If someone walks in doing what your “former employer” did, then they are apparently on some sort of illegal substance themselves.
You, and all of us, can do better than that — IF YOU AND THEY ARE BEING HONEST.
With them, you are a “dime a dozen employee” (‘ditch that witch, I’ll buy me another one like her’) — and you apparently can be so much more than a shill with a corporatized mouthpiece.
It’s your time and theirs to walk away from them and tell them “We don’t need you, McDonald’s. We will build our own.”
Maybe you, Katrina Stanfield, might lead the way on many more Black entrepreneurs who stop being afraid NOT to be modern-day host receptacles for people who think you are still slaves and become the employer you would like to have had on that fateful day.