To define the current state of America in any one sentence or comparison would be insufficient. We can, however, acknowledge that America’s battle with race can not be ignored in light of the Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, and Dallas shootings.
We haven’t seen a time in which racial divide has been so clearly displayed since the OJ Simpson trial in 1994 which is why it is odd to see Mark Fuhrman- former lead detective, known racist, and perjurer from Simpson’s trial- offering his “expertise” on justifiable deadly force in the Alton Sterling case.
When asked for his analysis of the video showing Sterling’s death, he urged Fox News host Megan Kelly and fellow contributor to “look at what we do know” as opposed to focusing on the unknown facts of the case.
His analysis, which included information not reflected in either video, continued with Fuhrman stating that there was an “escalation of force”.
“First they verbalize and he failed to comply with verbal commands. They used a taizer and that either didn’t deploy correctly or didn’t hit him correctly but it was ineffective. Then they actually deescalated the force they could’ve used by tackling with the suspect. Now this man has to take responsibility that he did have a gun.”
Certainly, if this had come from someone with actual credibility, someone who did not say “the only good nigger is a dead nigger”, a former police officer who did not state that he wants to “see all niggers gathered together and burned”, then and only then would this analysis hold any validity. Furthermore, the two recordings showing Sterling being shot repeatedly by police did not include anything that happened prior to the officers approaching Sterling.
To have this man on a national media network after his proud admission to police brutality against black people and lying about his statements in the court of law is a disgrace to all police officers and Black Americans as well as an inconsiderate ploy by Fox News to increase their ratings.
Musician, Gil Scott Herron once famously said “the revolution will be live, in living color, and will not be televised” but it seems that television will play a more vital role in the “revolution” than we initially anticipated.