Man Screams ‘F#CK ALLAH’ In Arab Bakery Gets Knocked Out (Video)

by | Jan 20, 2015 | Blog | 0 comments

We know the black community takes their God and religion very seriously. There is no denying this in our community, but we are not the only people who do.

The Muslim religion is known for strict adherence, faith and love for Allah.

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Many Arabs are Muslim and take their God very seriously.

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This guy had to know this before walking into an Arab bakery.

Freedom of speech is granted all over the world, but so is the reaction this freedom brings as well. In the video, the guy finds out quickly that words can hurt you. After getting everyone’s attention, he yells “F#CK ALLAH”, and gets knocked out promptly.

It is unclear why the smart phone camera was running in the first place, but it caught a perfect one hitter, quitter flush on the offensive man’s chin. He went out like a light, face down.

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Take a look for yourself:

SOUND OFF: Let’s hear your thoughts on the video. Does the man have a right to yell whatever he wants, where he wants? And was the guy wrong for knocking him out?

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