You’ve heard it before: Margaret Sanger, the founder of what is now known as “Planned Parenthood”, said this, or she said that. She was a bona fide racist with only one goal in mind: To kill a lot of Black babies and sterilize Black women without their permission or against their will.
Yet, ALL of these Black babies -millions of them- continue to be born even under and within the operation of Planned Parenthood in the United States of America. Is it because more American Black women are choosing not to abort? Obviously not, if the numbers are any indication.
First of all, this notion about Sanger’s motives has already been fully researched and debunked; but it still continues to jolt the conscience of America these 1,000 years-or so it seems– after the controversial, contested, and still-hotly debated “Roe v. Wade” Act of 1973.
If nothing else, one can really say that America is one seriously confused self-righteous pontificating bitch when it comes to who lives, who dies, under what circumstances, and just exactly what is the real difference between reproductive rights and reproductive justice.
Here’s the deal, as of 2011 – the last full CDC-covered reporting period:
In the State of Alabama, of all abortions performed, Black women represented 58.7%
In the State of Arkansas, 37.9%
In the State of Colorado, 7%
In the State of Delaware, 42.8% as opposed to 45.4% for white females
In D.C., Black women represented 56% of all abortions performed
In Georgia, 52.1% of abortions were Black women
In Idaho, 16%
In Indiana, 27.8%
In Kansas, 21.7%
In Kentucky, 25.1%
In Michigan, 47.9%
In Minnesota, 23%
In Mississippi, 63.4%
In Missouri, 41.1%
In Montana, .09% as opposed to 86.5% for white females
In New Jersey, 33.9%
In New York, 41.3% (New York City 46.1%, but overall -if you average the rates of abortion for Black women in NYC and NY state, it actually equals 36.8%)
In Ohio, 38.3%
In Oregon, 5.3%
In S Carolina, 39.6%
In S Dakota, 8.4%
In Tennessee, 49.9%
In Texas, 25% as compared to 31.3% for white women
In Utah, 2.4%
In Virginia, 43.9%
and in W Virginia 11.6%
That’s an average for Black women, overall, of 36.2% – 37.3% of the abortion rates, which The Guttmacher Institute confirms as about a tad more than one-third. By year 2011, the rates of abortions were 53.7% for white women, 37.6% for Black women, and 8.7% for all others. Only in Alabama, Mississippi (the highest), Georgia, and D.C. did Black women in this study represent more than half of all abortions performed.
However proportionally disparate, the RATES of abortion change to 7.6% per 1,000 for white females, 25.3% per 1,000 for Black women, and 17.2% per 1,000 for all other women. Yes, 25.3% (or one-fourth) of the proportionate numbers is less than a little over one-third (36-37%) of the general numbers for those still calculating. Yet, it is true that even at those rates, the rates of Black women aborting is proportionately higher.
The CDC reported that, when comparing live births to abortion rates WITHIN races, for every 1,000 live births of white females, 122 abortions were performed (1000/122), for every 1,000 live births of Black women, 374 abortions were performed (1000/374), and for every 1,000 live births of all other women, 275 abortions were performed (1000/275).
In other words, with just flat out percentages, Black women are actually having a tad more than 1/3rd of the abortions in the nation—which, again, is confirmed by the Guttmacher Institute. Where the numbers start looking “real skewed and sketchy” is the variances of abortion rates in different age groups and amongst married and unmarried females.
As you can readily guess—most abortions are carried out by UNMARRIED women.
From a low of 64.9% in Utah and 79.7% in Alaska, to a high of 92.7% in D.C., and 91.9% in Mississippi. Yes … by a large majority across all racial lines, it’s mostly UNMARRIED women having abortions. Take a GOOOOD guess why, Black America.
Now, as to the age groups:
Black females under the age of 15 were aborting at 0.6% and white females under the age of 15, at 0.4%. Between the ages of 15-19, 14.6% were Black women, 13.8% white gals. Between the ages of 20-24, white females were aborting at a rate of 34.1% and Black women, 35.1%. Ages 25-29, white females are at 24.3% and Black women at 25%. In the age group 30-34, white females aborted 14.8% of the time, and Black women, 15.3% of the time. In the age groups 35-39, white females aborted 8.7% of the time, and Black women 7.2%. Age 40 and up, around the time the “biological clock” is running out on them, white females aborted 3.8% of the time, and Black women, 2.2% of the time.
Those numbers are just TOO CLOSE TO CALL in this overbloated race-mongering hysteria about “more Black women” having abortions because of “more unintended pregnancies.” More married women than you can shake a stick at have “unintended pregnancies.” Married dads and moms of all races will tell you in a heartbeat about that “surprise package” they weren’t expecting at the time it happened, but there is far less of a chance of abortion happening when these women are married – and that’s ALL races inclusive.
But here’s the truly alarming piece: Of all UNMARRIED women, Black women actually do represent 92.3% of abortions and white females represent 83.4%. That might explain why there are more white and Hispanic females who are dependent on welfare – but maybe not. Those are the documented facts.
Under intense scrutiny, the big fallacious argument about “eugenics, Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood, and Black women” dies under the microscope. Plenty, boatloads and binders full, of white women fall under the knife of “eugenics,” as well – and in all gestational periods from conception (less than 6 weeks) to 13 weeks, white women actually outnumber all other women in number of abortions performed.
Though some highly racist white males literally harpooned Margaret Sanger’s initial movement by involuntarily sterilizing Black women without their knowledge or permission, and although a Black man by the name of W.E.B. DuBois was instrumental in co-signing the involuntary terminations of Black female pregnancies, the founder and President of The Guttmacher Institute, Alan F. Guttmacher, echoed the correct words of Margaret Sanger: “No woman is completely free unless she is wholly capable of controlling her fertility and…no baby receives its full birthright unless it is born gleefully wanted by its parents.”
Sanger was actually entirely upset about the death of her own mother during her 13th childbirth, in which she stated that the “problem we have in this country is white men” wanting to control women, period. Here’s a Hint: Unwanted babies, and women who tend to be guilted into having babies they don’t want because of someone’s religious ideologies about “right to life” are the same babies who won’t be cared for or supported by those who demand that they be born, regardless.
People, women that is, who don’t want children should not be forced to have them. It would make for a lot less children with guns in their mouths, found in trash bags, microwave ovens, drowned in lakes and bathtubs, and stabbed to death and/or abused and abandoned or starved and neglected by their own parents after the fact.
The best route to preventing abortions is preventing pregnancy in the first place. Abortion should not be the preferred method of birth control, but don’t kid yourself about full abstinence until after state-sanctioned marriage, either. If it didn’t happen in 250,000 years, it’s not about to happen now.
BUT…there is good news for you American Puritans: More teens of all races, even if not more unmarried adults, are choosing to abstain these days more than ever in the history of America. The studies also show an overall decrease in abortion rates as well as an increase in pregnancy preventions; and that was the true original intention of Planned Parenthood. — ABORTION AND WOMEN OF COLOR: The Bigger Picture.
So since we know that Black women don’t have that many more abortions than white women do, and that white women and Black women are more likely to abort than Hispanic women of all races, and that unmarried women comprise the vast majority of abortions performed in the United States amongst all races and ethnicities, what should that tell us about the self-styled Republican-sponsored “March for Life”?
America is not known internationally as a ‘child-friendly’ nation, not by a long shot.
And though this nation tries to pass itself off in grand formation as a ‘family-focused and God-centered’ land; the truth is, all that depends on whose family and whose “god” they’re talking about. Darren Wilson’s family is one thing, Michael Brown’s family is another. George Zimmerman’s family is one thing, Trayvon Martin’s family is another. Yeah, it’s incredibly unfair. That’s what we have been saying all along.
In this so-called “March for Life,” the Republican-held congressional House recently forbad, by a vote of 272-179, federal funds for abortion coverage, as well as tax credits for employers and individuals who buy abortion coverage under their chopped-up version of “Obamacare.” Says Joseph Pitts, R-Pa. “Abortion is not health care. It’s a brutal procedure that ends lives of unborn children.”
For someone who wants to repeal “Obamacare” so badly, he sure is angling for babies to be born that are more than likely going to need that healthcare coverage their parents may not otherwise be able to get. The GOP desires to cut off and suspend ALL abortion coverage access for low-income women, married or not; but at the same time, they are the main ones screaming about “lazy people on welfare.” They create the need for entitlement welfare themselves, so they need to get used to it and shut up.
They also mean to mess with the rights of women to reproductive freedom and choice regarding their own bodies; UNLESS, that is, it’s a woman who gets “unintentionally knocked up” by one of them … now that’s A HORSE of a different color. That’s when abortion is a must-do and is reserved only for anti-abortion Republicans.
According to the Associated Press, the abortion debate took a pitch for the personal edge when Rep. Jackie Speier, D-Calif., referred to “hypocrites on the other side of the aisle who have counseled their own girl friends to have abortions. It’s legal.”
One of many other examples, the reference was made to Scott DesJarlais, R-Tenn., a doctor who opposes abortion rights, but once urged a patient that he was dating to seek an abortion. His aides did not return phone and email requests for comment.
So, if this is true, then why all the “noise” about abortion rights from the far rightwing?
Your guess is as good as anyone else’s, but suffice it to say that America is browning up nicely and is about to be carved up and served to the world on a platter. If that many Black women are aborting and it’s having that much of an impact – the impact THEY say it is, then America isn’t actually browning. They’re just paranoid, as usual.
It’s not totally unlikely that they will do what they’ve always done in world history and attempt to use Black people, Black women especially, as leverage to get what they want: The preservation of their own race.
And that, even as the stories about the lives of Black people around the nation continue to hedge white supremacist ideologies that ruthlessly devalue and disregard the lives of Black children after they are born.