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Let’s Help Kenneth Jalal Tariq Pitts | Urban Intellectuals

Let’s Help Kenneth Jalal Tariq Pitts

by | Aug 7, 2014 | Blog | 0 comments

One of our UI brothers, Kenneth, asked our fellow writers and admins for some assistance with a personal matter. Kenneth has allowed us to share his story with you all, in hopes that we can help one of our own:

I am in a financial bind. Over the last six months or so I have had a few issues that have threatened not only my livelihood but also unfortunately now my place of residence. I find myself more than two months behind on my rent and I have pulled every rabbit out of my hat (short of illegal acts) to address this situation all to no avail. I need $2500 or my family will be homeless. Literally homeless as all family shelters in this area are full.

I am an Indiana transplant so I have no family here nor does my wife. Most of our friends are barely subsisting as well so there is no chance of moving in with someone else, nor would I want to burden someone else with my family of five.

I have set up a account but the way that works is slow and ponderous. Your account will not even show on the site’s main page if your funding level does not meet $100. The problem with that is it makes it that much harder for people who do not have your page’s explicit information, they can’t find you as you’re not visible. In other words, you almost have to fund the first $100 to get more.

That being said, I posted my plight and my begging, for want of another word, on FB as well as Twitter. I now post it here. U.I. has been my family for months now, it is the only forum where I can find like minded brothers and sisters that are trying to make a difference in this crazy world we live in. I have interacted with many of you in the discussion pages, blogging pages as well as here. I consider many of you actual friends even though we have never met face to face.

I am now calling for assistance. Screaming for assistance actually. LOL Anyone who has ever been evicted knows what that process is like. It can be months before you get back to a semblance of where you were, if you make it back at all. No one want’s to rent to you with an eviction. As myself as well as my wife freelance work from home, without a phone line and internet access, we are effectively unemployed. We started with a new company on the 22nd of last month and our first real paycheck won’t be until the 15th. Our complex won’t wait that long. So here I am, dripping blackness (which doesn’t pay much) asking for asisstance. Look at it like a test case, my situation could be the template where U.I. as a unit could help other members in need, be it emergency assistance or microloans for business endeavors.

Below you will find the link to my page as well as my email address. If you can help, it would be greatly appreciated. If you can give a nickel, that works as the add up. If you are a millionaire and can cover the whole amount, I won’t turn it down and I will let all know once I meet my goal. Also don’t hesitate to pass my story along, I’m not ashamed of my situation, it happens everyday in this country. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to hit my email or message me on FB. If I’m not successful, I’ll still be here, just drippin a bit weaker. Thank you my friends for your time and interest.

We are constantly talking about how the black community needs to help one another and not turn our backs on our brothers and sisters, and this is a chance to help out. Whether you know Kenneth or not, know that he is a good guy and has simply fallen on hard times. If you can contribute anything, it’d be greatly appreciated.

We also have a Paypal link if you prefer to donate that way. We thank you in advance.

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