LA Police Kill Another Black Teen With His Arms In The Air! Protests Erupt!

by | Oct 3, 2016 | News | 0 comments

Los Angeles Police have killed another black male, this time, an 18-year-old who was said to have been walking away with his arms up at the time officers fatally shot him.

This use of deadly force has drawn people and protests to the scene!

At this stage details say that Carnell Snell Jr. was killed on Saturday afternoon. Officers saw a vehicle that had paper plates, indicating it was stolen. They say that Snell Jr. did not follow commands to stop leading to a case.

lapoliceshootanotherblackmanAt some point he left the car and fled on foot, at this point he was shot and killed.

Police say a handgun was recovered at the scene, whom it belonged to has not yet been stated.

Reuters reported that KTLA television reported Snell Jr. was been running away with his hands up in the air according to witness accounts.

Dozens of people went to the scene, shouting at police, into the evening and they also rallied outside the home of the mayor, throwing eggs according to social media reports.


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