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Did You Know? Prince Helped Launch Tech Initiative To Help African American Youth | Urban Intellectuals

Did You Know? Prince Helped Launch Tech Initiative To Help African American Youth

by | Apr 29, 2016 | Celebrities, News, Positivity | 0 comments

Prince’s death shocked the hell out of us all. The man was a legend in so many ways and more and more positive stories are pouring out.

Prince worked to help many, without making huge fanfair of it, and finding this out today was very interesting. I must say a man who couldn’t be any cooler to me just became way cooler!

So, have you heard of the initiative #YesWeCode? The initiative to teach young urban kids to code and create a future for themselves?

Well, would you believe Prince inspired and helped this respected movement.

#YesWeCode paid personal tribute to the late artist saying

“#YesWeCode would like to honor Prince and thank him for his inspired vision for #YesWeCode. Prince’s commitment to ensuring young people of color have a voice in the tech sector continues to impact the lives of future visionaries creating the tech of tomorrow.”

And Prince’s friend and lawyer Van Jones recently said:

“After the Trayvon Martin verdict, I was talking to Prince and he said, ‘You know, every time people see a young Black man wearing a hoodie, they think, he’s a thug. But if they see a young white guy wearing a hoodie they think, oh, that might be Mark Zuckerberg. That might be a dot-com billionaire.’”

Read more about this on News One:

RIP Prince.



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