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Did You Know: A Black Informant was Responsible for Fred Hampton’s Assassination (Video) | Urban Intellectuals

Did You Know: A Black Informant was Responsible for Fred Hampton’s Assassination (Video)

by | Dec 7, 2017 | DYK | 2 comments

On December 4, 1969 21 year-old, Black Panther Party Leader, Fred Hampton was assassinated by the FBI and Chicago police.

William O’Neal was hired to infiltrate the Black Panther Party because the FBI was desperate to dismantle the organization.  After being probed to find dirt on Hampton and coming up empty handed because according to O’Neal he was genuinely a good guy, they began to ask about Hampton’s whereabouts. To which O’Neal gave the FBI a layout of Hampton’s home so they knew exactly where everything was in Hampton’s home including furniture and where Hampton slept.

Hampton’s murder was so brutal. The cops literally riddled his house with bullets and lied as though Hampton fired first. They fired 99 shots into Hampton’s home as he and his family slept. His bed was soaked in blood. His fiancé, Debra Johnson, spoke about how she and another panther where told to leave the room as the cops executed Hampton.

The FBI had a program “to prevent the rise of a messiah” because they feared the uprising of any Black Panther leader and Hampton was so influential. Following Fred Hampton’s murder O’Neal was given a $300 check for “uniquely valuable services which he rendered over the past several months.”


William O’Neal is a liar and a fraud. In the interview he pretended to be remorseful for the role he played in Hampton’s assassination but it was all an act. He posed as a person who cared about the well being of Hampton. He was the head of Hampton’s security.

Hampton’s fiancé was interviewed after his murder and she said Hampton never moved anything but his head. Shots were flying in their home from the front and back entrance and all Hampton did was lifted his head to look her way and laid back down. Why didn’t he duck for cover? Why didn’t he try to shield his fiancé who was 8 months pregnant at the time? Why, because O’Neal was at Hampton’s home earlier that night and drugged him. Investigators found evidence that Hampton was drugged and “some of the evidence suggested that O’Neal was the one that drugged him the night of the raid” although he never admitted it.

Every great black leader was taken down by someone who looked just like him, Fred Hampton, Malcolm X, Marcus Garvey, and Martin Luther King Jr. When will we actually become our brother’s keeper?

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  1. Brigitte

    My uncle Mark Clark was asasinated that day as well. It forever changed our family’s life but my uncle knew the choice he was making. He not only wanted to make a change – he did! When my mom begged him not to leave Peoria and go to Chicago, he turned and pointed to me (I was only 3) and my two year old cousin when he said I’m doing this for them. To this day I work to eradicate the social injustices in education. As a school administrator we have culturally relevant curriculum where we teach each scholar their religion ch heritage and the principle of “I am we!” Thanks for this info. It is still as relevant today as it was 50 years ago!

  2. Brigitte

    The third to the last sentence is suppose to say: “we teach each scholar their rich heritage…”


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