This is a day that will live in infamy. At least for Black and African Americans.
Rest in Power, Master Jordan Davis. Justice has FINALLY been done.
Michael Dunn has been convicted and this day also given life in prison without possibility of parole, and the ancestors have given YOU, Master Davis, the Stars. Tell Master Brown and Master Martin, and all of the others it won’t be much longer.
Next up … Darren Wilson, Michael Brown’s killer. And while George Zimmerman may think he has gotten away, comeuppance day is still coming for the life of Trayvon Martin.
This is only a beginning after 500+ years of murdering Black people for NO reason whatsoever that whites in America have gotten away with for far too long.
America has got to pay for its sins against Black men and women, one way or the other.
All the way from the violence to the drug dealing and alcohol pimping, to the media and music mental afflictions that cause us P.T.S.S. (post-traumatic slave syndrome), to the theft, rape and prostitution of our women and children that made us, as Black Americans, self-implode even on one another.
Talk about a “come to Jesus” moment. Whew.