Good morning, afternoon, evening…Or whatever the time of day is for you. Welcome once again to another thought provoking UI blogging. I always have loved music, whether it be the Lyrics of true rap artists such as Talib, Earl Sweat Shirt, Del The Funky Homosapien… Or the hard hitting, macabre sounds of Tool, System of a Down, and Rage Against the Machine. Recently the phenomenon of what I like to call ignorant music has become quite popular. Artists such as Waka Flocka, Trinidad James, and 2 Chainz have become the hottest thing going and have cause controversy with the more intellectual music crowd. They are known for their basic and somewhat juvenile lyrics with a very gaudy and classless appearance. I for one have never attempted to listen to these acts because of my own musical snobbery I must admit… Until recently. One day I decided to actually listen to a few songs from Waka and found myself not only tapping my foot, but actually banging my head. I made myself a playlist and began to act an absolute fool. I must admit the fact that while listening to artists such as these… I had fun.
The level of ignorance could not be un-noticed. I laughed at the word play they used and scoffed at certain references, but it was all and all a good time. I began to think about this kind of music and why it was so hated by the intellectual crowd. The hatred for these songs is honestly appalling. Most of these artists have admittedly said that they are not good rappers. Quite a few of them say that this is all about money and having a good time. Yet the intellectual crow has taken these people at their word and held them accountable for the actions, and lyrics of the songs.
Now listening to rock all my life I have discovered that not all music is for serious thought and reflection. In the rock world there is a band called GWAR. This band s one of the most respected acts in rock music and has been for quite some time. Hey are known for antics such as demonized characters, obese women in skimpy clothing, and pig’s blood being tossed about the stage and audience. Now no one who has ever been to a GWA show, or listened to their music has ever seen this as a way of life or a way to live. In the world of rock they see them for what they are which is an entertainment act. This for some reason has not carried over to the world of hip hop. It seems to be that we as rap enthusiasts, we are constantly being critical of anyone who dares to pick up a microphone and rhyme words. Yes it is not the most educated music in the world, but honestly… So what.
Not all food is meant for nutritional gain, but simply to tickle the taste buds. Far be it for me to say that I have never done this. I have been a music snob for a long time and have written Facebook posts on the problems I have had with these artists. After seriously thinking about it, I have truly unfairly judged them. So here is the bigger question… Why do you feel this way about certain musicians? Is it truly fair for an artist to be judged this way for simply adopting a form of music that lends itself to humor, wild party behavior, and having a good time? Or does it go deeper than that for you?
One of the things that has grabbed my attention is the fact that the crowd make up of the shows. If you compare the crowd of an Earl Sweatshirt show, to that of a Waka Flocka show they are entirely different. I have now been to both and have seen 2 stark differences in the 2. The Earl show had quite a few intellectuals who were deep into the lyrics and artistry of his esoteric rhythms. On the other hand, at Waka Flockas show it was entirely different. There was a pit (A massive collective of people pushing each other and stage diving) while people were jumping up and down as freely and as wildly as they could. Extreme energy and fun were to be had. So honestly, I cannot blame these artists for simply cashing in on the concept of having fun and losing themselves.
Truthfully the only reason that we complain about them is that they are not setting a good example for our kids. But shouldn’t e be the ones doing that in the first place. Isn’t it our job to teach them fact from fiction… What they should and shouldn’t follow? Are we putting too much responsibility on artists like this? Or are they as much as a detriment on society as we claim them to be? I think they are here to have fun and to show us how to have said fun. I will forever be conscious in my musical tastes… However I will also not forget to have a good time every once in awhile too. So what say you UI? It’s your Turn… Go.