Former Judge Mark Ciavarella Jr. was convicted of racketeering and sentenced to 28 years in prison. He accepted bribes to wrongly convict juveniles of crimes which in turn helped developers fill their juvenile detention centers. From 2003 to 2008 he did not give juveniles the right to legal counsel or the right to intelligently enter a plea which is a violation of their constitutional rights.
This case was referred to as the “cash-for-kids” case, one reason why his lawyer asked for “reasonable” sentencing. His attorney felt that the media attention and him being branded the “cash-for-kids” judge was punishment enough. What about all those young black males whose rights he violated? Was he “reasonable” with them? What are their lives like now? What major moments did they miss out on? Over the span of 5 years he collected $1 million in bribes and ruined thousands of lives but his lawyer wants the judge to take it easy on him, the hypocrisy.
The saddest part about this is he is the only judge that got caught but I know he isn’t the only one taking bribes. The lives of our children are being ruined while judges, lawyers, and police officers line their pockets with cash.