Kid Came to Halloween Party at School Dressed as His Hero; Malcolm X (No Black Face Needed)

by | Nov 4, 2015 | News | 0 comments

I’m not sure who this kid is, what school he attends, who his parents are, but this picture is breaking the internet this week. The viral image of the young man dressed in a suit might not seem worthy until you understand what you are seeing.

This is a young white child who came to school dressed as his hero for Halloween. Schools around the country allow children to dress up for the holiday, eat candy and have a bit of fun.

When this young man was asked who are you suppose to be?

Kid Came to Halloween Party at School Dressed as His Hero; Malcolm X (No Black Face Needed)

He replied: MALCOLM X!!!

How awesome is this for a young man to not only appreciate Malcolm’s effort and energy, but to come to school dressed as him for Halloween. Surely, this might be a nightmare to many in white America, but it is clearly an innocent appreciation of a great man by a child, in my opinion.

Even better about this image is the lesson for greater white America.

If you appreciate black culture and ant to mimic one of us during the Halloween costume party, it doesn’t require black face.

The young man got his point across as to whom he was portraying with his Halloween outfit without donning black face.

The trend of white people putting on blackface in recent years during Halloween has caused problems to say the least, but this young man represents X without it…and does it well in my opinion.

The opposite happened when THIS Republican Candidate refused to apologize for his Black Face Tiger Woods!

SOUND OFF: What do you think of this young man dressing as Malcolm X for Halloween?

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