[REPORTING FOR NEWS TEAM ONEÂ Mid-West Region: N/S Dakota, Nebraska, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, Montana, and Alaska]
22nd Congressional District – There is a lesson to be learned about local politics, particularly in a deep red state that did not elect Barack Obama president — pay a little more attention to your local level politics and less attention to a lost conversation about impeaching a duly-elected President who will not be leaving office until January of 2017, don’t care who doesn’t like it.
The good news about Kesha Rogers, an African-American Democrat from Texas who thought she was running against Obama? She lost the election.
Rogers was endorsed by the Lyndon LaRouche Political Action Committee, a PAC who refers to President Obama as a “British Stooge” for reasons no one seems to be quite clear on, considering that the United States of America came about as a result of being a British stooge (the butt of a comedian’s jokes) in the first place.
It’s hard to tell if Rogers just wasn’t aware that she is on the wrong side of history, or even if she caught a serious beat-down from her white male opponent, David Alameel, because he was a better candidate; but whatever the case is — word out is that the Democratic Party in Texas is breathing ‘a sigh of relief,’ and is happy she lost.
Once and for all, this defeat in Texas kills the idea (that we already knew, of course) that Black people only vote for Black candidates because they are Black.
At least Alameel knows Obama isn’t his problem unless and until he can address Texas’ real issues in his own home state.