Jesus Christ Was Just A Prophet of God Says A 1,500+ Year Old Secret Bible

by | Apr 4, 2016 | Blog | 1 comment

For the last 2000 years, many may have lived and followed a deception.

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Our teacher and leader Jesus Christ is not the son of God and he wasn’t crucified and resurrected.

Jesus Christ was taken into Heaven while he was still alive.

He was a prophet of God.

Who claims this?

A 1500-2000 year bible found in the year 2000 in Turkey and kept as a secret in the Ethnography Museum of Ankara is the source of these claims. The National Turk reports that it was worth over $28 million dollars and it was found when a huge antique smugglers gang was arrested.

The book contained Gospel of Barnabas – Barnabas was a disciple of Jesus Christ who claims that he was not the son of God and he was just a prophet of God. Our bible was formed at Council of Nicea where the most relevant Gospels were put together, according to those in attendance. (Do your research on this.)

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The Vatican is more frightened because the book is authenticated by experts in Tehran (Capital of Iran) and it gives a connection between Muslims and Christians. Because Jesus Christ has predicted that Prophet Muhammad will bring Islam to this world after 700 years has passed from his time.

Some say its lies and some says it’s true, but what do you think?

All we can do is have faith and wait.

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1 Comment

  1. Glenda

    My thoughts are if it were true, why would it contain the gospels which declare him to be the son of God or God Himself?


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