Jesse Williams’ Perfect Tweet Storm After Alton Sterling’s Murder!

by | Jul 19, 2016 | Celebrities, News | 0 comments

Since Jesse’s #BETAwards speech his voice has been getting stronger and more powerful. He is becoming a force and a leader for REAL TALK and REAL CHANGE. So after the horrific killing / murder of Alton Sterling we wanted to hear his voice.

He took to Twitter and in Jesse style just said it how it is in a series of tweets.

1) In the interest of time, would ye noble patriots please provide a list of infractions punishable by spontaneous public execution? Thanks!
4:57 PM – 6 Jul 2016


2) Upon receipt of this list, we’ll return to our quarters and study up, eager to enjoy freedoms of white mass murders. #LIFEHACK
5:04 PM – 6 Jul 2016

3) You chumps will NEVER provide this list… We see through you.
5:07 PM – 6 Jul 2016

Sad but true.

We gotta all follow Jesse’s lead if we want change to happen.

What do you think of his tweets?

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