Jamie Foxx Blasted with Racist Remarks Over Travon Martin Shirt

by | Apr 16, 2013 | Celebrities, News | 0 comments

The shirt Jamie Foxx wore to Sunday’s MTV Movie Awards displayed the phrase “kNOw Justice” above photos of Trayvon Martin and the children killed in the Newtown, Conn.

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, school shooting. The reference to victims of gun violence was certainly designed to attract attention and start conversation, but probably not of this variety.

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jamie foxPublic Shaming has pulled together some of the more disturbing, hateful and downright racist Twitter reactions. There’s “F–k that n–ger with Trayvon Martin shirt on,” “Jamie Foxx arrives at the MTV awards wearing a shirt with dead n–ger” and, sadly, plenty more where that came from. Taken together, the reactions are a reminder that gun violence is far from the only problem we have in America.

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Source: http://www.theroot.com/buzz/racist-reactions-jamie-foxxs-travyon-shirt

Source: http://publicshaming.tumblr.com/post/48020892347/jamie-foxx-attended-the-mtv-movie-awards-on-sunday

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