Ferguson needs a shakeup after it’s recent mess and on Monday the first black permanent police chief was sworn in. 51 year-old Miami police veteran Delrish Moss takes the role.
In Miami he was a mahor and he is taking over a department still marred by the shooting of teenager Michael Brown by a white police officer in 2014.
Moss told The Huffington Post:
“The new position is going to offer some challenges,”
“I’ve been training for Ferguson my entire life. I’ve lived in a neighborhood where we had civil unrest. As a person living there, I saw the unique challenges that come about. And a few years later, I was police officer, where we also had civil unrest and I was a young police officer responding to it,”
Do you think this is good for Ferguson or is Moss just going to be another puppet?
Read more here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/ferguson-police-delrish-moss_us_57312ecfe4b016f37896d646