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Ithaca Mayor To Trump: ‘I’m an African-American and I don’t live in hell’ | Urban Intellectuals

Ithaca Mayor To Trump: ‘I’m an African-American and I don’t live in hell’

by | Oct 3, 2016 | News, Politics News | 0 comments

During the first presidential debate Donald Trump didn’t exactly do himself any favors engaging the black community. He refused to apologize for the birther issue for one!

When he was asked about recent police shootings of unarmed black men he called for law and order and to fight gangs roaming the streets, he then said:

“African Americans and Hispanics are living in hell. You walk down the street and you get shot,” Trump said. “African American communities are being decimated by crime.”

That didn’t sit well with a lot of people. He never fails to miss the point of a question and make blanket assumptions!

Ithaca Mayor Svante Myrick objected strongly and wrote:

“As a black man and the head of a police department – Trump on race relations and the police is disgusting. He doesn’t know a thing,” Myrick wrote on Twitter Monday night. “Trump didn’t believe Obama wasn’t born in America. He never asked about any other president. Why? Obama is black. Period.”

Here are a few tweets he also posted:

Myrick is only 24 and New York’s youngest ever mayor.

What do you think of Trump and Myrick’s comments?

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