The Argument For-Against Islam is Also For-Against Racial Profiling

by | Oct 9, 2014 | Opinion | 0 comments

WE should only be talking about the Nation of Islam and Louis Farrakhan, right?


There are many Black and colored people who are Islamic persons (Muslims) who are not affiliated with the Nation of Islam, but let’s just take this more recent loud disagreement between Ben Affleck and Bill Maher that simply won’t die … about the “violent and inhumane” Islamic culture, allegedly via the instructions and beliefs in the Qur’an, that is.

I find it odd how people who don’t read these religious texts in any format or version want to argue about what they do and don’t say, and how they should and should not be interpreted.

As a non-Qur’an reader, I wouldn’t dare debate with anyone the words or merits or ugliness or even the beauty of the Qur’an. As a non-Torah reader, I wouldn’t debate the merits, good or bad, of this text either.

As a Bible reader, the third of the Three Majors, I figure one interpretation is likely just as good as another.

But when they start arguing about whose form of murder and vice and violence is better than another’s, there is something to be said about that. So also thinketh The Young Turks’ Cenk Uygur.

Now, Uygur finished up this radical diatribe with “read the Bible, you won’t be a Christian for long.”

Well d’uh. There are plenty of people who have read the Bible from front cover to back and are still Christians, or at least say they are Christians – which is an indication that Uygur has no clue about correct biblical interpretation, also known as “exegesis.” And no, all people who read the Bible and still claim to be Christians are not ignorant. They simply know twisted scripture when they hear it.

That said … as a person who co-signs to no religious entities at all … the bottom line with all of this back-and-forth rhetoric that Black people ought to relate to the deepest and truest is the inherent RACISM, as well as the multitudinous hypocrisies, in eurocentric evangelical Christianity.

If you don’t know what McCarthyism is, here it is …

McCarthyism is the practice of making accusations of disloyalty, subversion, or treason without proper regard for evidence. The term has its origins in the period in the United States known as the Second Red Scare, lasting roughly from the late 1940s to the late 1950s and characterized by heightened fears of communist influence on American institutions and espionage by Soviet agents. Originally coined to criticize the anti-communist pursuits of U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy, “McCarthyism” soon took on a broader meaning, describing the excesses of similar efforts. The term is also now used more generally to describe reckless, unsubstantiated accusations, as well as demagogic attacks on the character or patriotism of political (and I’ll add ‘religious’) adversaries. –

Talk about demagoguery! Talk about APPEALING TO PREJUDICES!

Their entire argument is moot because the thought or idea that the State of Israel and any so-called “judeo-christian” American evangelicals would speak badly about Islam is laughable at best.

The fascist gun-toting murderous racist Roman European idol named JESUS that they worship (who has nothing to do with the heartbeat of the actual Christ, the Messiah, the Lord & Savior of All Mankind), should ring true with all Black Americans who call themselves Christian, as well as  all Muslim peoples.

The hilarious argument about all Islamists or Muslims being “terrorists” is just as valid as Black Americans who say all white Americans are racist.

This is not an all or nothing world, so Affleck was absolutely right in smacking Maher upside the head with the truth, even if it was some staged ‘jostling’ between the two of them made to boost ratings.

Radical extremist behavior in some who CLAIM to be of a certain religious faction or order is not an automatic coverall for everyone who is of that same religious order.

The same way the “shackled for comfort” colored people of Iraq and other poverty-stricken Muslim countries ended up in Gitmo (Guantanamo Bay Concentration…I mean DETENTION Camp) because they were RACIALLY PROFILED for their looks, skin color, economic status and clothing (style of dress) should be enough to tell any and all Black Americans what is really going on with that insidious argument.

Black Americans had no reason whatsoever to be “confused” when President Obama initially set out to shut down Gitmo. We can say he is an “elitist” and he probably is now; but he sure didn’t start out that way.

The Muslims and Islamists who were concentrated at Gitmo under some very Hitleresque-type conditions were treated the exact same way as most Black prisoners and poorer class non-prisoners in America who are racially profiled for their looks, skin color, economic status, and styles of clothing, as well as their beliefs and mannerisms.

That’s about as fascist as it gets when ‘credibility’ as a human being runs parallel with race and ethnicity, no matter what they did or did not do.

If Black people in America did the same thing to white people that they do to us, any white person in a suit and tie is a racist and any white person in a policeman’s uniform and carrying a badge, a billy club and a gun is a terrorist. It’s just that simple.

They can have “Babble Studies” all day long about these bad religious text interpretations and the bottom line is that a little bit of truth sprinkled in with a lot of historical histrionic lies makes it all a lie. Every bit of it, including those kinds of misinterpretations.

But Uygur is right when he says they are ALL wrong, that much is rest assured. Himself included.

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