It was Patrick Irvine “A Few Minutes with Pat” who stated that moreso than “personal responsibility” are those who do not take SOCIAL Responsibility for the wrongs that they do.
In these video series, Irvine speaks rightful and realistic truth about just how filthy and alarmingly despicable it is to live in a society that would dare to blame unarmed Black men and women who are being abused and attacked for no reason for causing their own murders, or “black-shaming”.
Even if some Black person did something in the past that has them on Pure de Hate a la Mode, that is still no excuse whatsoever for them to take their issues out on Black people wholesale who did ABSOLUTELY nothing to them.
Kelsey Grammer is a living example of adult maturity and of taking social responsibility.
His own beloved younger sister, Karen Elise, age 18, was murdered by a couple of REAL “Black thugs,” and it wasn’t like she couldn’t have been killed by any one or more REAL WHITE THUGS, which does happen all day every day, and not every now and then. To continuously racialize murder and crime and use Blacks as Poster Children, even in the case of white crimes and victimization of Blacks is not a road you want to keep walking on. It’s a ticking time bomb that is set to self-destruct at any moment.
Grammer has not lived his life, to our knowledge, taking it out on every Black person that he can get his hands on.
He has lived his life in front of the cameras trying to kill off as many of the racial stereotypes as he could, because at the end of a long hard day, he knew that every Black person in America was not responsible for the murder of his sister – THEY were; and they were rightfully convicted and put away for it for life and should not get any kind of parole for it, EVER.
For that, he can be most grateful that he is white, because so many more Black people have been murdered and lynched by whites who have NEVER done time for their crimes, and probably never will.
Generalized racism is not helping their case against the ones who do do wrong, so if they think that white supremacy is going to be the answer to all of America’s issues with race, they are opening a can of worms that they will soon hope and pray had remained closed, for reasons we can’t go into in a small space of time.
In the final analysis, no one who cannot find a place to admit their own wrongs and sins and crimes have any right whatsoever telling anyone else what they should or should not do or admit to.
They cannot blame “all Blacks” for the sins of a few any more than Black people can blame ALL white people for the lynchings, burnings, drownings, beheadings, castrations, bombings, and all other kinds of violent melee that have been committed against Black people since the inception of this corporatized stolen white-washed nation.
Focus on your own damned criminals, white America — you got your own James Holmes’-in-waiting, as well as your many other gun rights advocates who may be law-abiding gun holders today, but will be in tomorrow’s headlines as the next killer-a-la-carte, to worry about.
Admit the role you play in this continuous murderous and violent behavior that rubs off on other people who really aren’t doing a damned thing to you or anyone else you know. Admit the needless and senseless wars your kind have caused all over the world for no other reason than a manifest destiny that was destined to take you down.
No, every Black person in the country isn’t crawling over your fences trying to “get at you,” you aren’t any more special in this world than we are.
Look around you, look in your own damned back yards and neighborhoods.
Black people don’t want you, don’t need you, aren’t lusting after you, aren’t trying to BE you, be with you, and they/we aren’t trying to spend YOUR money–you took all of ours, and we only work to get a piece of our own and that which is rightfully owed to us. Nothing you do or say is ever going to change that, so get over it yourselves.
And don’t lie about the way we walk, talk, and dress being some kind of compliance-related white-approved “answer” to not being victimized and racially profiled and supremacist harassed and abused and attacked. We have long learned that putting ourselves underneath white supremacy and begging it to be humane and walk upright in this world, as a social standard, has NEVER changed a thing, and it never will.
Your own white-privileged attitudes are bad, vicious and vile and you need to check YOURSELVES while you’re busy looking at us.