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In 1994, Jeb Bush Said I Would Do ‘Probably Nothing’ for African-Americans | Urban Intellectuals

In 1994, Jeb Bush Said I Would Do ‘Probably Nothing’ for African-Americans

by | Jan 12, 2015 | Politics News | 0 comments

Unless you have kept your head under a rock, you are aware Jeb Bush is planning a run for President in 2016. In fact, he is currently leading the polls of potential Republican candidates.

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 However, it is comments he made in 1994 that have him in a bit of hot water and may actually come back to bite him in the rear.

According to the Associated Press, Bush described himself back then as a “head-banging conservative” and used fiery rhetoric — such as claiming he would do “probably nothing” for African-Americans if he became governor.

jeb bushHe lost the bid for governor that year, but won the following election with a bit softer, more subdued exterior, and using far less splintering language.

But the answer of what he would do for African-Americans is what is under the microscope again thanks to the Associated Press who drug up the sound bite. However, let’s put thee entire quote out there for you to digest.

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“It’s time to strive for a society where there’s equality of opportunity, not equality of results.

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So I’m going to answer your question by saying: probably nothing,” said Jeb Bush.

This time around in 2016, you probably won’t hear much of this sort of language from the more mild mannered, moderate reformation of Jeb Bush. He is firmly behind Common Core, Amnesty of immigrants, and even for homosexuals, so the likelihood of you hearing him talk about doing nothing for African Americans is hard to fathom, but thought it was something you should never forget.

African Americans have become a very important voting block with the rise of the Hispanic voting population, the rising youth vote and the segmented white vote.

It is likely you will see Jeb Bush campaigning in our communities, speaking on black issues, but don’t you forget where this man comes from and his past words when he let you know how he truly feels about you come election time.

What can you expect from Jeb Bush? Probably Nothing!

Source: Associated Press

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