I am sorry that it took the deaths of Michael Brown of Ferguson MO, Jordan Davis of Marietta GA, John Crawford of Beavercreek, OH, Troy Davis of Savannah GA, Chris Garner of New York City, Trayvon Martin of Sanford FL (as if Trayvon’s murder wasn’t enough of this isht), and so many other young Black men, by the hundreds of thousands to get this kind of attention to our own shortcomings as Black Americans.
I am sorry that it takes the jailing of Black people who “stand their own ground” to get convicted and put in prison even when there are no dead bodies on the ground for Black people to finally wake the ‘he-double hockey sticks’ up about their LOCAL PARTY POLITICS in their OWN states, counties and cities.
Now that you are awake, and potentially about to be awake soon enough because maybe too many of you have figured out the hard way that you can’t play around with these people — here are A FEW WAYS (about 10 of them) to hold your local police and county sheriff’s departments accountable in YO’ hood:
The 10-Point Local Politics Accountability Plan for Sustainable Black Living in America
1) Voting Rights. As a citizen, you REALLY need to REGISTER TO VOTE. Your grandparents and parents have been saying it for decades, GET ‘ER DONE. Mid-terms November 4, 2014. Just do it.
Your local party policies count LONG before the national ones do, so voting for a President of the United States doesn’t do you a bit of good if you are not handling things at home. If you do NOT let the “dog” out of the gate in your state, they won’t make it to the White House anyway.
The only time The Supreme Court (SCOTUS) picks a President for you is if you don’t pick one yourself or wait too late to act. As you should know by now – particularly since Al Gore was officially elected President in 2000 and George Bush the Latter snaked his way in in his place – SCOTUS tends to sway HEAVILY on the side of race-baiting Tea-bagging Republicans because that’s who buys them off when you are not looking. It’s against the law, but hey … WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?
Hint: Don’t let them become Senators, Representatives or Governors in your state, or they’ll make a try for the White House if you do… . You want to know who is on the ELECTORAL COLLEGE in your state? ASK. You damned sure do have a right to know. It isn’t a secret unless you don’t ask in the first place. If the “bad egg” does make it in even though you voted the other way, form a COALITION to keep them in check in your own best citizen’s interests. YOU CAN DO THAT. They have to represent everyone, not just their FRIENDS and families. That is the job they asked for, make sure they DO IT RIGHT.
2) Citizen Peer Review Board. Demand an overview of your police and sheriff’s department protocols for hiring and install a CITIZEN’S POLICE AND SHERIFF’ S OVERSIGHT AND REVIEW BOARD of YOUR PEERS (not theirs) to go over those stipulations and hiring practices WITH A DEMOCRATIC LAWYER handy in order to see where they are failing to hire the right people to police your cities, counties, and townships.
3) Police Council Peer Review. Get a list of police and sheriff’s in your city, town and county who have been reprimanded for OVERKILL on the job and ask what is being done to rectify their reckless handling of their jobs.
4) Unwarranted Lethal Force Demand. Demand the IMMEDIATE arrest and indictment of those who have been found to have used lethal force in situations where it was overblown, unjustified, and unwarranted. You don’t ask, you tell.
5) Background and Credibility Checks. Review background checks on all “Officers of the Court” (including District Attorneys, Coroners, and JUDGES) and have a good lawyer that you trust (if you can find one) to go over the laws related to those background checks.
6) Police Hiring Protocols. If you find shoddy “holes” in the protocols for hiring and badging officers, get in touch with your local city councilmembers and state representatives for your District or Township and find out what they plan to do about.
7) State Constitution. Overview your state’s constitutional and local laws on how they handle police and judicial misconduct and check it for “holes” in the process with a trustworthy lawyer, if you can find one. If you can’t, call the King’s Town Family Foundation & Trust, we will find one for you. The Trust is all about Legal Jurisprudence and Legislative Process Training for Black Americans. If there are NOT any laws in place, demand the proper legislation be put in place to take care of those “holes” and gray areas in the “color of” law.
8) Demand a jury of YOUR Peers, not THEIRS. If you have been charged with any type of crime that is a threat to your life and you KNOW that you are innocent or are at least innocent of the CHARGES, demand a jury of YOUR peers, not THEIRS. You have the right to tell your attorneys that you want a minimum of a majority of Black people on your jury, AND a Black Judge. George Zimmerman did it and walked away with the murder of Trayvon Martin. Never trust the “process.” It was meant to kill you and deny you equal access to justice and until you change it, it shall remain that way.
It’s not THEIR choice who judges YOU when YOUR life is on the line, and you have a right to a jury of YOUR PEERS (not theirs) to prove your innocence without subjecting yourself to the whims of racists who call you on credibility just because your SKIN is not THEIR COLOR.
In the end, if you don’t show up for JURY DUTY and you allow them to CONTROL THE CONVERSATION, you have already seen the results of things like that for yourself. GET LISTED TO BE PULLED AND POLLED FOR JURY DUTY, especially if you are BLACK, AFRICAN AMERICAN, PAN AFRICAN, or whatever Black people are calling us nowadays.
Control the conversation, Black America. You are not called upon to be a victim of any white racist in this nation. Ever.
10) Accountability. Now. DEMAND ACCOUNTABILITY in EVERY instance of police brutality and judicial misconduct. Pull the teeth off the roaring lion and smack it all up in the mouth. That is your RIGHT and it is your RESPONSIBILITY to do so.
Last but CERTAINLY NOT least, take some time to form an oversight committee to look into the CONGRESSIONAL BLACK CAUCUS (CBC)’s activities in Washington DC. They were supposed to be fighting FOR you on the national level, not building monuments to themselves and buying “limousine jobs buses” right around election time with your tax dollars. No excuses.
Michael Brown’s final dream, so the story goes, was that he was an angel fleeing from a demon and that he flew smack into the face of God. Well, that’s exactly what happened.
They said Brown was “no angel” — well, neither was the cop who shot him, to hear Mr. Brown tell it from the grave.
Ferguson MO had no business whatsoever with a white Republican mayor in a town of mostly Democratically-oriented Black people. But I hope it’s citizens are awake now, and by what we’ve been hearing, they finally are.
If they call you socialist and “liberal,” be proud of that. America wouldn’t be SQUAT without its socialists and liberals, and we’d all still be SLAVES. That has become more than obvious since 2008; but this is what happens when you are not minding YOUR government’s storehouse – and it is YOURS.
Ease your rolling eyes right back up to the top of this article and review it again, three or four more times if need be — then get to work.
Wake the HAYELL up. Today!