In America, everyone is familiar, for the better or worse, with Cait Jenner. The once male, super athlete and Olympian, Bruce Jenner, decided to make the change to a female and calls herself Cait. She went through with the operations last year to make it official.
As much as she has been accepted and supported in America and other places around the world, like Europe, the Africans have a different cultural perspective about this and want to guard the images coming into their homes and continent.
To be specific, the show died on African airwaves thanks to Nigerian authorities who decided the show wasn’t right for their country. Since Africa only has one feed, the South African broadcaster responsible for the feed obliged Nigeria ‘out of respect for customers’ views’ and pulled the show from Nigerian, which effectively ended it’s run all across the continent of Africa.
Cait and the Kardashian family have dominated Western television outlets with their variety of reality television shows. However, it seems like all of their content and material isn’t welcomed in Africa and frankly, it doesn’t seem like the culture will change any time soon to allow it.
‘I am Cait’ will not be shown anywhere in Africa.
Source: Yahoo