When I tell you your Government don’t give a damn about you, i’m wondering how long is it going to take for you to pay attention. Not that all of you are on welfare or foodstamps, but we all know someone that was at some point or we needed to lean on the system from time to time in our lives. However, I wouldn’t plan on that crutch in the future if I were you.
In a stunning series of events, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to cut the food stamps program for the poor by $40 billion dollars over the next 10 years. Yes, that means we have money for wars and the funding of rebel armies around the world, but don’t have any for poor and struggling in this country.
According to Yahoo News:Â The Republican-run House of Representatives voted to cut spending on food stamps for the poor by $40 billion over 10 years on Thursday, defying a veto threat from the White House in the name of fiscal reform.
Majority Leader Eric Cantor, the driving force behind the legislation, said it was “wrong for working, middle-class people to pay” for abuse of the program, whose costs have skyrocketed in recent years.
Democrats pointed to nonpartisan estimates that the bill would end benefits to 4 million needy people in 2014.
Representatives passed the bill on a party-line vote, 217-200. Speaker John Boehner said passage would trigger long-awaited negotiations with the Democratic-controlled Senate over a new $500 billion farm bill, already a year overdue.
This decision, or political chicken as many are calling it, effects 47.76 million people in this country. This breaks down to one out of every seven Americans, which includes 85% children, elderly or disabled.
For a country that claims to be so in to God, charity, giving, love, peace and being the “moral leader” of the world, I can’t tell. You can be anything in this country you want to be, JUST DON’T BE POOR!
The White House has threatened to veto this bill, so we will have to continue watching to see how this plays out. Not sure if they are selling more political woof tickets or not, but i guess we will find out soon. The interesting thing is the majority of people on food stamps are white people despite the reports of “Welfare Queens” and mass confusion by the media.
Source:Â http://news.yahoo.com/house-approves-40-billion-cut-food-stamps-poor-222219735.html