Hampton University Bans Twerking: Who Runs This School, The Klan?

by | Aug 29, 2013 | Blog | 1 comment

What in the world is going on at the Historically Black College, Hampton University? They have made news for a variety of poor decisions this year that has left much of the African American community astonished. Today, we are finding out they are doing it again with another weird decision coming down from the leadership of the school.

no twerkingIf you recall, earlier this year Hampton shook the African American community with their decision to ban dreadlocks and braids from being worn by students. They claim this isn’t a professional look that is embraced by the workplace, thus it has no place on their campus and the heads of their students. This flies into the face of our history and culture as African Americans, which is something you would THINK an historically black university would be bending over backwards to preserve and demand acceptance in the work place, but not at Hampton. This lead me to ask the scandalous question.

Who Runs Hampton University, The Klan?

Ok, maybe the title and the question is a little overboard. Y’all should know by now I like to be dramatic, but seriously, what is going on with the leadership of this school? Clearly, they cannot be anyone that fully embraces the African American experience, plight and forward progression to be seen as equals in this country if they are taking time out to ban braids and dreadlocks among their student population.

And someone please tell me who in the world would assume, other than a klan member, that Twerking is an exclusive black activity that needs to be addressed at supposedly one of the best black institutions in the country? What is going on at this campus? Are the students twerking in the halls after class? While waiting on lunch in line? At the financial aid office?

I am bewildered that a University with the supposed credentials, rich history and tradition like Hampton would stoop so low to address this issue. And what are they really going to do, have a No Twerking Patrol Team that spies on students, checking their Facebook, Instagram and Vine pages? No twerking zones around campus and in the dorms?

In my opinion, this is just ridiculous a thing as I can recall in some time. Maybe instead of worrying about twerking, braids, and dreadlocks, the leadership should take off their Klan robes, focus on preparing the minds of these young people for a changing work force, and fight for some equality in the work place that respect the history and culture of African American people.

I get addressing morals, values, and priorities, but is it really necessary to tell adults (they are 18 years old) you shouldn’t be dancing a certain way?

What are your thoughts?

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1 Comment

  1. Danielle DaCosta

    I work at a large and extremely conservative financial services firm and I wear braids. I make sure they are neat and don’t hang to my hips or put them in a style 2 feet above my head, but they like the Senegalese twists. Most importantly, they like the work I do. Looks like Hampton still has so much to learn from HOWARD, the real HU lol. Much love to all the HBCUs, even if they do adopt policies I don’t agree with. The ultimate goal is [mostly] the same.

    P.S. good luck on the tweaking ban. I hope they weren’t doing that in the financial aid office…yikes!


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