The Anonymous collective is at it again. This time, they are focusing their targets on the Waller County, TX police department, the Texas Trooper Association and the death of Sandra Bland.
Bland was found dead in her jail cell just three days after being arrested for a minor traffic violation, but the police claim she hung herself in the jail cell. Many people in the community think foul play was involved.
Anonymous agrees and is donating their time and talents as hackers to expose the truth as they see it, the police murdered Sandra Bland and are trying to cover it up.
RELATED: Teen’s Gym Mat Death Conspiracy Exposed By Anonymous
– Booking doc:
– Suicide doc: /
– #SandraWasMurdered:
– The room:
– The shadows: /
– Waller County Jail mugshots: (website:
– Sandra Bland mugshot:
– Waller County’s History of Racism:
– Sandra Bland Becomes The Latest Victim Of The ‘Marijuana Smear’:
Sandra Bland was murdered. Anonymous exposes this crime and demands the arrests of those involved.