POST RACIAL AMERICA? Woman Attacks Black Reporter, Shouts N-Word on Live News

by | Jul 1, 2016 | News | 0 comments

Racists are not afraid to hide their faces or their disgusting views. In a world where a presidential candidate can refer to an African American as his African American I guess it’s not that surprising.

It is however outrageously disgusting. Shouldn’t We should be over this by now? Well, we all know we should but we also all know that we ain’t!!!

This story from Iowa is leaving me with a very sad bad taste.

We should all be able to do our jobs without fear of attack but one reporter’s terrible tale showed live on TV how being black is in the United States in this day and age.

So what happened?

KCCI video footage showed black reporters Emmy Victor covering a fatal police shooting when a white woman approached her. The woman shouted “Get the f*ck out of here, you stupid f*cking n****r!”

Victor replied calmly “Don’t ever.” which pushed the woman to run back, point in her face and yell

“Don’t you ever f*cking tell me! I f*cking told you he was f*cking dead!” the woman yelled. “Don’t stand there and tell me you don’t f*cking know!”

The woman was distraught as she was identified by the police as the mother of Michael Disbrowe, who was killed in a police shooting.

However there is no excuse for that language.

Victor told the woman the police would be called but she continued taunting and said get the police to shoot her.

The footage of the attack is below….

Article continued on next page
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